Sunday, July 15, 2007

MLM Success Secret - A Word of Encouragement

Now that you have launched your own online business, it is my mission to help you be successful. The operative word here is “help” because you are ultimately responsible for your success. To achieve success in your MLM business you will need to come up with a BIG reason for joining. The bigger the reason, the more success your will realize. Why? Because you will be attacked! What you say! I said attacked! The reason I say that is because every successful person I know or have read about get tested. Your family will test you saying you are crazy. Your friends will test you saying it won’t work. Your spouse may test you telling you that you are wasting money. What will you do when this happens? Your reason for joining MLM will determine your success or failure. If the reason is not big enough, the least amount of resistance with cause you to give up. That is exactly why 97% of all online home based businesses fail. Actually, it is not the businesses that fail; it is the people running the them that fail. What will you do when you tell people about your business and they don’t seem interested? What will you do when you being your online advertising campaign and no one bites at first? Will you give up? The action you take will be determined by the reason you got involved in the business.

Let me tell you a story. Many years ago a man got excited because he heard that others were striking it rich digging for gold out west. So he packed his belongings and headed west to fulfill his dream of becoming rich by mining gold. He dreamed about it, he thought about it on the entire journey. He was excited! Finally he arrived at his destination, purchased some land, equipment and started digging for gold. It was hard work but eventually he started finding gold. How excited he was! He was beside himself with joy. He kept digging and found a little more, but never as much as he dreamed of. Eventually the shaft stopped producing gold. He dug and dug and there was nothing! He was totally disappointed and discouraged. So much so that he that eventually sold the land and equipment and headed back east totally defeated.

The gentleman he sold the land and equipment to decided to pick up where the previous owner left off. He dug about one foot and discovered the biggest vane of gold even found! Just one foot!

Well partner, this may happen to you. You will get discouraged and even depressed at times. But remember that MLM is a gold mine. However, you will have to work at it. You will have to mine for the gold. . It will produce your dreams, but it is absolutely crucial that you do not give up. Don’t throw in the towel one foot from your dreams! Hang in there and don’t let anyone talk you out of your for joining. Eventually, you will succeed—there is no way you will not if you just spend the time and do what others successful in the business are doing.

This is why I am here. This is why this site is here; to provide tools and direction for your success. I am glad you are on the team. Hang tough because together we can make it happen!

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