Monday, July 30, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Become a Magnetic Marketer

I do not like pushy people and I hate pulling people along. Both are too hard and laborious. I would rather be a magnet and draw people along the way. I would like to use the Bible to illustrate my point. Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me." I like what He said, "Draw all to me." The Lord never pushed or pulled anyone. He drew them to Himself. He was the top "attraction marketer" of all time!

I think that to be successful we need to be "lifted up" as well. We need to let people know who we are and what kind of person we are; in doing so, hopefully, they will be drawn to us. I say this because most people don't get involved with network marketing because of products or services; they get involved because of people. If you promote products alone, you will not go as far as you could. You need to promote (lift up) YOU. You need to let people know that you can be trusted and that you are an honest and ethical person. If you can demonstrate that; you can increase your chances of success greatly.

This is especially true on the internet. The internet is a cold dark bottomless pit. If you don't stick out, people are going to pass you by and not even notice that you exist. You need to "lift yourself up" to get noticed; to become a light in this dark place called the internet. I believe that this is what some are calling "attraction marketing."

I had someone look at one of my lead capture pages. Right away he said that it was cold. He asked me, "Where are you?" He told me you have to "let people see you and know who you are." Folks need to see a living person behind what you are promoting. That was a real eye opener. So I did the best I could with what I had and updated my capture page. Now there is some personality there and plan to improve it.

Another thing you can do to "be lifted up" is to develop a Blog, write Ezine articles, and join forums (like this one). Let people get a sense of who you are. However, it you join a forum or Blog site like this...for heavens sake, be active and get involved. There is no magic in just joining something; you must take action and keep moving and shaking things up. The internet is cold; it's not like a car lot or department store where you can actually talk face to face to someone about the product of interest. So you have to make up for that by the way you market YOU.

So go ahead, if you haven't already, start thinking of ways to let the world know who you are by promoting (lifting up) YOU. By this way you will draw at least some folks to YOU and your business. Go for it and may God bless you all!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Don't Fall for the Hype!

Recently I received a call from a person who asked me if I wanted to make $10,000 over the next 30 days. I told the caller that this was not realistic and actually felt insulted. Why? Because he had no clue who I was and what my abilities were. He just threw out a number to impress me. Well, I was NOT impressed!

The fact is, most people are not impressed with numbers; they are impressed with genuine care for them and their needs. Every person has dreams and goals. The problem is most do not know how they are going to fulfill them. They need a caring person to come along side them and help them make THEIR dreams come true. If you are serious about network marketing then people must be your priority. The wealth will come to the one who CARES.

Network marketing is not a money business. It is a people business. Take care of people and the money will never be a concern...this is a certainty.

Friday, July 27, 2007

MLM Success Secret - The Power of Focus

The other day I was reading my Bible and a Book called Dream Seeds by Mike Murdock and a word flashed into my mind. The word was "focus." That began a whole series of thoughts.
You have a tendency to move in the direction of your focus. Not only so, the things that you focus on have a tendency to move in your direction as well. Think about how powerful this is. This is why those who focus on illness usually magnify their illness or end up inviting more of the same into their lives. Those who focus on being "fat" are more than likely going to get fatter! Those who focus on a "bad day" are going to probably make their day even worse.
If you want to change your life, simply change your focus. Napoleon Hill said something like this: "Focus on the things you want and get your mind off the things you do not want." When you focus on what you want, it eventually shows up in your life. Let me illustrate:
I currently drive a 2001 Toyota Avalon XLS. It is a beauiful car and I really like it. Before I bought the car I was focusing on purchasing one and you know what? I began seeing them everywhere! They began showing up in my life because of the power of focus. Sure, they were there anyway, but I just didn't see them. However when I focused on what I wanted, an Avalon, they were all over the place. Evenually, because of my focus, I purchased one. This is a simple illistration, but it happens every day.
Just think what would happen if you focused on success! Success is everywhere. Riches are everywhere. We just don't see them because of our improper focus. Too often we are focused on what we do not want. Take debt for example. If you want become debt free you have to STOP focusing on debt. The word debt has to be erased from your vocabulary (and thoughts). Focus on abundance, the very thing you do want. If you focus on debt, it will just manifest more in your life. If you focus on wealth, more income will flow in your life.
When you focus on abundance, you mind will unconsciously goes to work coming up with ideas to bring abundance into your life. Thesw ideas often present themselves in the way of a hunch. Let me give you an example. About 4 weeks ago I called a friend about a fuel reformulator that I sell called Ethos FR. In our conversation he asked me what I really wanted. That was simple, I want to be a millionaire in five years (or sooner!). He began to share with me about a new MLM that was just getting ready to launch called Talk Fusion. He told me to take a look at the website and once I did, I would lose sleep over it. Well, I did! I had a hunch that this was for me. Why did this opportunity appear in my life? I believe it is because of my focus. I was focusing on wealth and an opportunity to move me toward my goal showed up. Focus is a magnet, so be careful what you focus on because sooner or later you will get it!
The late Earl Nightingale said, "Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity." To be prepared, you must focus on what you want. As far as opportunity goes, it's everywhere, and you will recognize it when you see it if you are in the proper focus.

MLM Success Secret - Keeping the Dream Alive

One of the hardest things to do is the keep the dream fresh and alive. There are so many dream robbers around us day after day. However, despite our feelings at any given time, we MLMer's need to keep going until our dreams are realized.
One of the biggest ways to keep your dream alive is through a written desire statement. I spent quit a bit of time prefecting mine and keep it in my pocket at all times. I had to make it big and at the same time believable. I refer to it as often as I think of it. My desire statement only covers one area of my life right now, wealth creation. The next statement I will work on has to do with health. Wealth without health is not wealth at all!
Last night I was driving home from a youth rally we were hosting here in Columbus. I got thinking about the needs of some of our full-time church workers. These are folks that have given up there jobs to serve the Lord and His church full-time. I noticed that some were driving inferior vehicles. I thought, what a shame that we don't (or can't) take care of them better. They should drive decent vehicles and live in nice homes, etc. Thinking about this gave me all the more reason to want to succeed in my online businesses. It's not just about me. It's about others as well. What a pain to see a need and not be able to step in and do something about it. Some religious folks would say, "God will provide." Well, God WILL provide...through other people who know Him, have the means, and are willing to share their God given riches. As a poor person, how can you be used to give to others? As a person in debt, how can you meet the needs of those in need? The fact is, you can't. I figure that God gave me the talents and gifts to be productive for His needs as well as mine. One of my REASONS for obtaining wealth is to be a channel of blessings to others. That will count for all eternity!
Sure, I have other reasons, but my point is, it is the reasons that keep our dreams alive and gives us the willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed. Don't let your "why" die. Keep your dream alive. When you arrive, you will be so thankful that you did.
God bless!

MLM Success Secret - Why Push or Pull When You Can Draw

I do not like pushy people and I hate pulling people along. Both are too hard and laborious. I would rather be a magnet and draw people along the way. I would like to use the Bible to illustrate my point. Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me." I like what He said, "draw all to me." The Lord never pushed or pulled anyone. He drew them to Himself. He was the top "attraction marketer" of all time!
I think that to be successful we need to be "lifted up" as well. We need to let people know who we are and what kind of person we are. In doing so, hopefully, they will be drawn to us. I say this because most people don't get involved with network marketing because of products or services; they get involved because of people. If you promote products alone, you will not go as far as you could. You need to promote (lift up) YOU. You need to let people know that you can be trusted and that you are an honest and ethical person. If you can demonstrate that; you can increase your chances of success greatly.
This is especially true on the internet. The internet is a cold dark bottomless pit. If you don't stick out, people are going to pass you by and not even notice that you exist. You need to "lift yourself up" to get noticed; to become a light in this dark place called the internet. I believe that this is what some are calling "attraction marketing."
I had someone look at one of my lead capture pages. Right away he said that it was cold. He asked me, "Where are you?" He told me you have to "let people see you and know who you are." Folks need to see a living person behind what you are promoting. That was a real eye opener. So I did the best I could with what I had and updated my capture page. You can see it at Now there is some personality there and plan to improve it.
Another thing you can do to "be lifted up" is to develop a Blog, write Ezine articles, and join forums (like this one). Let people get a sense of who you are. However, it you join a forum or Blog site like this...for heavens sake, be active and get involved. There is no magic in just joining something; you must take action and keep moving and shaking things up. The internet is cold, it's not like a car lot or department store where you can actually talk face to face to someone about the product of interest. So you have to make up for that by the way you market YOU.
So go ahead, if you haven't already, start thinking of ways to let the world know who you are by promoting (lifting up) YOU. By this way you will draw at least some folks to YOU and your business. Go for it and may God bless you all!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

MLM Success Secrets - Forum Recommendations

I would like to recommend two forums that I am on that I think will help you in your "self-branding" efforts.

Here are the links:

The purpose of joining a forum is to help brand yourself. You see, when people are looking for business opportunities they are not really going to buy the opportunity as much as they are going to buy YOU! You need to present yourself on the web in a way that people can get to know you and trust you. MLM seekers are looking for people that they feel will care for them and help them along the way.

Many of been burnt by MLMer's that only care to make money. Successful MLMer's are mentors and coaches that build huge organizations based on honesty and integrity. Make sure you are such a person and brand youself as such. Then you too can become a MLM success story!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

MLM Success Secret - What to Keep in Mind Before Joining Any Program

There are lots of online business opportunities out there. I personally would steer clear of the ones that say you can put their system on auto-pilot and all you have to do is watch the money flow into your bank account. The fact is, people are people and people need coaching and encouragement to make lots of money online.

If you find a program that interests you, for goodness sakes, CALL the person who is presenting the opportunity to you. Only align yourself with sponsors who will help you build your business. If you are new to MLM this is particularly important. You have to TRUST your sponsor and join a team that understands that it takes a TEAM to have ultimate success.

Even Jesus did not pick the twelve disciples and leave them to their own devices. That would have ended up in sure failure. Rather, He spend 31/2 years with them teaching and training them regarding the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. It is no different in MLM. A successful sponsor needs to coach his or her team. To be a successful associate you will NEED to be coached.

So, when joining any program there are three crucial factors:
  • You must BELIEVE in the product or service you are going to promote

  • You must join a team that is DEDICATED TO YOUR SUCCESS

  • You must be WILLING to be trained and spend the necessary time to be successful

Take time to study the program you are interested in, ask questions, and once you are comfortable. excited about the program, and trust the sponsor, take action!

You were born to go for it and make it happen!

Monday, July 16, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Honesty, Hard Work, and Persistence Spells Success

It is important as a MLMer to exercise honesty at all times. I would suggest under promising and over delivering rather than making big claims that only a few can or are willing to achieve.

Every person you bring into your business has dreams and desires. It is your job, as their sponsor, to do what you can to help them along the way. However, the ultimate success of anyone lies in their own hands. In order to promote success, be realistic with your associates. If you over promise, they will become disappointed or discouraged when they don't "make it." If that happens, they could end up quitting. Rather, help them to make baby steps; to achieve little successes. That keeps them encouraged and willing to fight for their dreams. An besides, all those little success make up huge success in the long run.

Every person in your organization must realize that they are running a real business. Every successful business requires hard work, knowledge, and persistence. Success is certain for anyone who is willing to do the things neccessary to reach their goals.

By working hard, I mean you must invest time to learn what it takes to operate a thriving online organization. You will need to read and do research. The purpose of this blog is to help you do just that. You need to set aside several hours a week to get what you want out of your MLM business. If you want to make and extra $500 a week that will not require as much effort as a person wanting to pull in $10,000 a week. Income is based on how many people you can serve. As Zig Ziglar says, "You can have anything in life you want if you just help enough people get what they want." The more people you serve, the more of your time it will take. Your income level is totally up to you. You just have to be willing to put in the time. Pay the price now and enjoy your dream a little down the road. Do little or nothing now and you will stay where you are. It is your choice. Choose wisely!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Personal Development

I am a big believer in education and motivation. I listen to CD’s constantly in my car. It is a rolling university. You have to fill your mind with positive thoughts and new ideas to stay motivated and on course. The world is way to negative and it will take its toll on you if you listen to all the garbage on the TV and radio. The saying is very true, “Garbage in, garbage out.” I will do my best to recommend things that I think will help you on your road to success. The first thing I want you to get is a FREE ebook called, “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Waddles. Better yet, plunk down the $22.00 for the audio version and listen to it 20 times! It will put some good thoughts in you and help program your mind for success. Go to: Again, it is a great read, but you will not get it on the first and second go through; that is why I recommend the CD’s.

Another great read is Michael Losier’s “The Law of Attraction.” It is simple to read and there are great exercises worth doing. This will help you know how this law works and get it to work for you instead of against you. You can pick Michael's book up on Amazon.

Of course, read the Bible. I have listened to the greatest motivational speakers and trainers in the world like Napoleon Hill, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Mike Murdock, Earl Nightingale, Roger Dawson, Tom Hopkins, Denis Waitley and others. The conclusion I came to is that all wisdom comes from God. I listen to these great men of accomplishment and realize that they have discovered the secrets contained in the Bible...whether they know it or not. Therefore I believe that the ultimate Book of Wisdom is the Bible. I am not saying don't bother to listen to these great men, not at all, I encourage you to do so, because they have unlocked secrets that are hidden from the masses. What I am saying is the ultimate source of all good things is God and His word. After all, according to the Bible, it is God that give us the power to get wealth!

MLM Success Secret - Google Adwords

This is one of my loves. It is awesome that you can place an ad and in minutes it is online and working for you. However, you can go broke if you do not know what you are doing. I spent hundreds of dollars because of mistakes I made. I just chalk it up to learning. I don't want you to make the same mistakes. I would encourage you to join my Perfect Wealth Formula Team if you want to become a master of online marketing. Go to: and sign-in to find out more. Yes, it costs money, but KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and that is especially true with Google Adwords.

To advertise on Google (or MSN and Yahoo for that matter) you will need to monitor your results several times a day until you get the hang of it. I will not even attempt to train you, at this time, on how to use Google Adwords, but I will refer you to an excellent e-book by Perry Marshall. I would suggest, when you can, to get the book and start studying it. Because you will pass up too many opportunities and make too many mistakes if you do not learn the skill of advertising on Google. You can pick up Perry’s book at:

Again, I love Google Adwords. You can make a fortune if you know what you are doing. So spend the money, get the resources mentioned above. Go for it!

MLM Success Secrets - Advertising Sites

Below are some advertising sites that will help you know where to go to start your advertising compaign. Some are free, others are fee based. To really learn to master online marketing, go to This is a lead capture page that will lead you to my Perfect Wealth Formula Website. This program will take you by the hand and teach you how to market online using several resouces.

Classified Ad Sites:

There are many more sites available. If you want more just Google for more “classified ad” sites.

Press Release Sites:

Again, there are more sites available an you can always find more by looking up “free press releases” on your favorite search engine.

Solo Ad Sites:


Forums are online communities loaded with highly targeted prospects that have the same interests. There are several good MLM forums worth joining. Here are are few.

There are more and as I come across the good ones, I will had them to this site.

Blogs: (Coming soon)

Article Submission Sites:

If you want to properly "brand" yourself, it is a good idea to write articles. What article writing does is give the reader an idea about who your are. Since you will be marketing online and not in person, you have to develop a trust in your prospect. The best way to do this is through article writing. Go to: and look at my articles to get an idea what I am talking about here. Here are some great article submission websites:

All of this information should keep you busy for a while and greatly help your marketing efforts.

MLM Success Secret - Advertising

The first thing you can do is start telling everyone you know about what you do. Remember, you just started your own business, so don’t be shy about what you are doing. Send out emails telling people about the business and send them to your lead capture page.

It is important not to send people to you main website first. You must develop what is called a "lead capture page." What a lead capture page does is exactly what it denotes. It entices people to fill in information like their name, email address, and phone number before they are directed to your main site. This is important because by doing this, you will know who has visited your site and that they are highly qualified because they took the time to enter the information requested. With your lead capture page you will be given an opportunity to prepare several autoresponders over a period of 15-30 days. Autoresponders are letters, video clips, or audio clips that further introduce your product. The truth is, most people will not sign up the first time they see your offer. Statistically, they will need to see your offer 7 times before they have the confidence to sign up and that is what an autoresponder will do for you. I would suggest that you go to and sign up through them. They only charge $97 a year and you can create as many lead capture pages as you want. They have templates that you can use to create your own lead capture page. If you need help, don't hesitate to contact me directly. I will walk you through it.

You will need an advertising budget. I think $200-$300 to get started is great. If you do not have that, spend what you can. If you have nothing, there are plenty of ways to advertise online for free. There are several methods of advertising and I will mention a few:

Classified Ads
Press Releases
Solo Ads
Article Submissions
Google Adwords

I don’t want to get to complicated at this point, so I will just share some sites that you can go to so you can get started on your online advertising campaign. Most of the sites that I will share with you have online helps so you can figure out what to do. If you have any problems, feel free to contact me.

MLM Success Secret - A Word of Encouragement

Now that you have launched your own online business, it is my mission to help you be successful. The operative word here is “help” because you are ultimately responsible for your success. To achieve success in your MLM business you will need to come up with a BIG reason for joining. The bigger the reason, the more success your will realize. Why? Because you will be attacked! What you say! I said attacked! The reason I say that is because every successful person I know or have read about get tested. Your family will test you saying you are crazy. Your friends will test you saying it won’t work. Your spouse may test you telling you that you are wasting money. What will you do when this happens? Your reason for joining MLM will determine your success or failure. If the reason is not big enough, the least amount of resistance with cause you to give up. That is exactly why 97% of all online home based businesses fail. Actually, it is not the businesses that fail; it is the people running the them that fail. What will you do when you tell people about your business and they don’t seem interested? What will you do when you being your online advertising campaign and no one bites at first? Will you give up? The action you take will be determined by the reason you got involved in the business.

Let me tell you a story. Many years ago a man got excited because he heard that others were striking it rich digging for gold out west. So he packed his belongings and headed west to fulfill his dream of becoming rich by mining gold. He dreamed about it, he thought about it on the entire journey. He was excited! Finally he arrived at his destination, purchased some land, equipment and started digging for gold. It was hard work but eventually he started finding gold. How excited he was! He was beside himself with joy. He kept digging and found a little more, but never as much as he dreamed of. Eventually the shaft stopped producing gold. He dug and dug and there was nothing! He was totally disappointed and discouraged. So much so that he that eventually sold the land and equipment and headed back east totally defeated.

The gentleman he sold the land and equipment to decided to pick up where the previous owner left off. He dug about one foot and discovered the biggest vane of gold even found! Just one foot!

Well partner, this may happen to you. You will get discouraged and even depressed at times. But remember that MLM is a gold mine. However, you will have to work at it. You will have to mine for the gold. . It will produce your dreams, but it is absolutely crucial that you do not give up. Don’t throw in the towel one foot from your dreams! Hang in there and don’t let anyone talk you out of your for joining. Eventually, you will succeed—there is no way you will not if you just spend the time and do what others successful in the business are doing.

This is why I am here. This is why this site is here; to provide tools and direction for your success. I am glad you are on the team. Hang tough because together we can make it happen!