Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Indentifying the Major Personality Types

Identifying personality types is critical to understanding others and being understood by them. I know many of you are familiar with the four main personality types. You have probably heard them labeled with weird names that you can barely pronounce. But I have learned them as four colors. The four colors of personality are: Yellow, Blue, Green, and Red.

Yellows make up 35% of the population and are open in indirect in nature. Their motto is, "Let's be friends." They are usually teachers, nurses, counselors, daycare workers and the like. They are casual and comfortable dressers and Yellows have a soft and gentle voice.

The strengths of a Yellow are in the fact that they are dependable, team players, patient, supportive and nurturing. Their weaknesses include over-sensitivity, followers, and they are not goal oriented. Yellows take things way too personal!

Keywords for the Yellow are: Teamwork, together, relationships and family. The dislikes of the Yellow are pushy people, bullies and conflict.

The next personality color is Blue (like me!). Blue's make up 15% of the population and are open and direct. The motto of the Blue is, "Let's have fun!" The common occupations of a Blue are sales, entertainment, and public speaking. The Blue's voice is loud and fast...really fast! They are easily excited! Blue's dress is stylish, colorful and flamboyant.

The strengths of the Blue are in the fact that they are promoters, convincing, enthusiastic, creative, and high in energy. Blue’s run like freight trains and try to do 50 things at once.

The weakness of the Blue is that they talk too much. They will talk over you and out-talk you. Silence with a Blue is not golden. Blue’s are poor savers and follow-uppers. Blue's are unorganized (you should see my desk) and exaggerate (I try not to, really!).

The keywords of a Blue are fun, awesome, and excitement. The Blue's dislike not having fun, facts and figures, too much detail, being alone and did I mention, not having fun!

Next in line are the Green's. Green's make up 35% of the population and are indirect like the Yellow's but self-contained. The motto of the Green's is "Let me have the facts and figures...all of them!" They people can drive the Blue's crazy!

Green's are usually accountants, engineers, researchers and have a soft and polite voice. Green's dress conservative and formal.

The strengths of the Green's are that they are organized, planners, accurate, and persistent with great follow-through. Their weaknesses are in being over-analytical, hard to please, depressed (I wonder why), and lonely.

The keywords that a Green would use are: Why, graphs, charts, research, exactly.
Dislikes of the Green are pushy people, no facts, and being late.

Last but not least are the Red's. Why did I put them last...to irritate them! Red’s make up 15% of the population and their motto is, "Get out of my way!" Red's usually occupy the positions of CEO, attorney, airline pilot, name buildings after themselves and like to be called "The Donald!" Red’s are direct and self-contained.

The speech of the Red is forceful with volume...can you hear me! The strengths of the Red's are in the fact that they are focused, goal oriented and intense.

Yes, the Red's have weaknesses, but they will never admit it. The weaknesses of the Red’s are: Ego, short tempered, domineering, impatient, and un-coachable. You just can't teach them anything!

Keywords to look for in a Red are: Money, money, and more money, power, control and they are too the point. Red's hate indecision, chit-chat and the feeling of losing control.

Why mention personality types? I mention them because if you know how to relate to each person that you talk to, you will be more successful. You will know what they like and dislike, thus helping them to like you more!

My advice to you is to learn the art of identifying personality types. If you want to find out more, please contact me and I will forward more awesome information to you.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How to Be Lucky

Luck is something that millions of people wish for every day. That is why millions are spend for lottery tickets every year in the pursuit of luck. Luck is why there is a Las Vegas—the city of “luck.” What most people do not realize is that there is no such thing as luck!

We were blessed by God with gifts and talents to have and do anything in life that we want. He has given us the power to create our lives to be any way that we desire. Where is this power? This power is in our mind. Everything natural thing that we see in this universe comes from the thought or mind of God. Every invention that we see in our environment came from the thought or mind of man. Humans are god-like creatures that have the capability of creating their own “luck.”

What is the main difference between the poor and the rich? The main difference is in the way they think. The poor think in terms of lack. The wealthy think in terms of abundance. The poor have a “can’t do” attitude and the wealthy have a “can do” attitude. “Luck” is not something that just comes to you; it is something that you create. As it has been said by many, “We make our own luck.”

So how do you get “lucky?” You get “lucky” by changing the way you think. So-called luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity. Opportunity is literally everywhere! You just need to be prepared when an opportunity shows up in your life. People with an abundance mindset rarely, if ever, experience lack. People with a health mindset rarely get sick. It’s the improper use of our mind that causes most of the problems that appear in our environment.

So, how to get lucky? Get your mind off the things that you do not want and set it on the things that you do want. If you want health, do not entertain thoughts of sickness. If you want wealth, do not entertain thoughts of lack. Focus on what you want. Think about what you want. Dwell on what you want. Talk about what you want. Pray for what you want and what you want will gradually appear in your life. You don’t have what you want because your primary focus is on what you do not want. You say that you want to be wealthy, but when you see a bill you cannot pay, you focus on that and cancel out the movement of wealth toward you. You say you want to be healthy, but you focus on the pain that your are experiencing and cancel out the movement of health toward you. The Bible calls this being “double minded.” A double minded man can never be “lucky.” You have to know what you want and give it your full attention. Jesus asked the blind man, “What do you want?” and the blind mind answered, “That I might receive my sight.” The Lord said, “Let it be according to your faith.” The blind man did not argue that he was blind. He simply believed and was made well. Jesus told him that it was HIS (the blind man’s) faith that made him see. That is what we all must do to experience so-called lucky happening in our lives.

Don’t get caught in the trap thinking that you ship will come in. Your ship is already here and laden with all the things you want. You just have to accept them by faith. Believe that what you want is here and it will appear to you.

The biggest problem that most have is an unclear, scattered mind that is full of unbelief and chatter that comes from TV, newspapers, gossip, images of lack, and other trash that comes from various sources in our environments. If you want to experience massive “luck” stay away from sources of discouragement, talks of sickness and poverty, and the like. Stay away for new broadcasts that declare impending economic gloom and new viruses that are on the rise. Instead read good, wholesome books that feed the mind with positive thoughts and your can-do attitude. What I am referring to is a mental cleanse. Our mind needs washed from all the garbage conveyed to us by the naysayer’s of society that feed your fear and feed off of your fear.

How to get lucky? Make your own luck. Get your mind cleansed and set on the things you want and run from the things that you do not want! Don’t spend one moment entertaining things that will corrupt your mind and keep you from your dreams.

Monday, October 8, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Be Flexible

Being flexible is one of the hardest things a human being can do. It seems like the age of flexibility lasts until just prior to our teenage years and then we begin to harden. By the time we reach 30 years of age we are pretty much set. The box for our life has been formed and we live within the confines of that rigid limited box! Everything and everyone in life is judged by our perception of the world…our box. Our politics, our religion, our prejudices’ are all set…and that’s too bad! The good news is you can change all that be learning love and embrace change.

If you are blessed, something will come into your environment to crush your box. This happened to be when I was in my mid-thirties. Something devastating happened in my life that shocked me and caused me to start re-thinking my life. My box was crushed and I was lost as to what to do. As a result of this experience I began to be flexible again. I began to look at things differently and be more open to possibilities. As a result my life began to turn around in a most profound way. I began to see that life does not have to have limitations. Life doesn’t have to have boundaries and fences. Life is an adventure and what a privilege that we have been given by God to live it to its fullest! But we can never live life to its fullest as long as we live in “our box.”

The temptation, for me, was to build another box and lose the flexibility of an opened mind. I gave into that temptation without even knowing it. But for some wonderful reason, God did not want that for me; so more things came to deal with the new box that I created and bam...another box crushed! Thank the Living God for that!

Through all of these “box crushing’s” I began to see that life isn’t a box. Life is full of unlimited possibilities that await anyone who is flexible and has an open mind. The only limitations in life are those that we create in our own mind. To be truly successful in network marketing or anything else in life, for that matter, it is imperative that we are flexible…in other words; we must be willing to change. What a blessing to be open to change; to embrace change and see it as God’s way of directing your path to greater riches. I am not just talking about financial riches, but all the riches of life.

Take prospecting, for example. If you are not flexible, you will pigeon-hole the people that you talk to and you might just pass up your next front-line diamond! Your “boxed” opinion of people may keep you from discovering great possibilities! Be open; take people at their word and give them a chance. Exercise much flexibility when it comes to people and you will be most blessed. I like what Jesus said in the Gospels, “Unless you are like a little child, you cannot enter the kingdom of God.” Little children are most flexible and trusting. Children live in possibilities. They let their imagination run wild and see everything with a can-do attitude. Oh how precious to be like a little child!

All the success stories of prior years came from people who were flexible. Thomas Edison, one of my favorites, was extremely flexible. He was willing to change very easily. He tried over 10,000 times to develop the incandescent light bulb and experienced failure after failure. A person without flexibility would have realized after, maybe, 100 attempts that it couldn’t be done. I believe the true number is MUCH less than that! If Mr. Edison would have not been flexible, we would still by living by candlelight today! Napoleon Hill, one of the greatest millionaire creators in human history spend 20 years of his life working, without pay, for Andrew Carnegie, on the development of the Science of Getting Rich and was scorned by many for spending all that time in chasing that fantasy without being paid for it. If Mr. Hill would have not been flexible, he would have given up in just a few short years and we would not have the wonderful classic, “Think and Grow Rich!” This can be said for EVERY great achiever in human history.

In network marketing, you must be willing to change. Be flexible. Be like a little child—willing to experiment and try new things. Be willing to “go out on the limb” to achieve your dreams. Don’t stay in your box! Destroy the box that you created and you will discover the unlimited potential all around you. If I hadn’t destroyed my box, I would not be where I am today!

The MLM success secret of flexibility is vital to your ongoing success in network marketing. Don’t let people put you in a box and don’t allow yourself to build one!

MLM Success Secret - It is Always Harder at First

I just received an email from a team member that was inspiring. It said that network marketing is like an aircraft taking off; it expends more energy during take off and its climb to reach cruising altitude than at any other time of the flight. This is true in MLM as well. To get YOUR business off the ground will take a lot of your time and energy in the beginning. But once you reach cruising altitude in your business, it gets much easier. From my experience this takes about two years or less.

The question is; do you have what it takes to get to where you want to go? Most people just putz around hoping that they will get "lucky!" Forget about luck! The successful make their own "luck" by taking consistent action every single day. If you want to have success, get off the ground first! If you don't know how, contact me! I will help you build your business and provide the inspiration that you need to make your dreams come true. I don't care what business you are in, I will give you a helping hand anytime.

When you start out in network marketing you are like a jet loaded with tons of cargo. That "cargo" wants to bog you down and keep you from taking off. The amount of "baggage" that you have will determine the amount of fuel and thrust that will be needed to take off! If you are like most folks, you have plenty of "baggage." This “baggage” shows up as doubt, fear, and procrastination. Where does the fuel and thrust come from? It comes from a burning desire. It comes for your "why." If your reason for being in network marketing is not strong enough to overcome procrastination, doubt and fear, you will crash and burn somewhere between take off and the cruising altitude. Most don’t even make it off the runway! You will also need a like-minded team to keep you fueled up and motivated to reach your goals. There is simply no other way. Your MLM plane never lands, you need in-flight fueling that comes from a team that helps feed your PMA (positive mental attitude) and cheers you on toward your goal(s).

That's why I HATE the hype out there. The hypster's play into your desire to have something for nothing; they play into your fear of selling, meetings, time consumption, and need of contacting people. It’s in our nature to want to have things without effort. However just forget that junk! You have to work! You have to expend time and make contact with other people! You have to be involved with a team that will urge you on when things get tough! You have to have awesome consumable products that people will continue to want! Do not get involved with anyone or anything that promises the way of ease because you will end up being very disappointed!

If you want to make it BIG, you CAN! It is up to YOU! However, if you don't know where to begin, let me know. Like I said, I am here to help and will plug you into resources that will help you grow YOUR business. And no, you don’t have to join mine!

The MLM success secret of knowing that it is always harder in the beginning will help you understand that struggling is normal, but it will get easier and more rewarding as you work at getting your business off the ground. Just fuel up, get on the runway and give it all the thrust that you have. Get your MLM off the ground and keep applying the power until you reach your cruising altitude. When you do, you will look back and say, “WOW, is sure was worth it!”

Monday, October 1, 2007

MLM Success Secret - How to Get Lucky

Everyone wants to get lucky. They drive in neighborhoods with beautiful homes and a Lexus, Cadillac, or Corvette in every driveway and say, “I wish that I was that lucky.” They hear of someone who invented someone and made millions and say, “Man is that guy lucky.” Well, I have some news for you, there is no such thing as luck (at least as you think of it), especially when it comes to network marketing. Don’t look at your upline and wish you were as lucky as they are. They did something to get there and now it’s time that you found out what it is! The best definition of luck that I have ever heard of is this: Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity.

The reason why more people are not “lucky” is because they are simply not prepared. Do you know that opportunity is everywhere? There is opportunity in your network marketing business. The problem is; most people are not prepared to recognize it. As a matter of fact, opportunity is so plenteous and knocking so hard on our heads that its knuckles are bleeding!

What needs to happen is preparation. The unprepared mind will not recognize opportunity. Opportunity is everywhere; I mean everywhere! You just need to open you minds eye to see them.

The first thing that you will need to do in preparation for opportunity is to write down your goal(s). You need to know what you want so you can recognize an opportunity when it appears; the very opportunities that will help you to reach your goal(s). Next, you will need a burning desire fueled by faith; a belief that you can achieve what your mind has conceived. Then you need to take action. Nothing will happen until you move toward what you want. When you begin to take action to reach your goals based upon your faith all kinds of serendipitous happenings will occur. Then you will begin to experience what others call “luck.”

The wealthy are not lucky, they are just prepared to recognize opportunity when it passes their way. They have written goals, a strong belief, and take action every single day, no matter how they feel. Speaking of feelings, don’t let them control you! Feelings can change very quickly. That is why a written goal with a burning desire backed by strong and unstoppable faith driven by action will overcome present feelings of despair! Do you know what I do when I feel like giving up? I focus and my goals and take action. Every single day I do something to bring me closer to my dreams. Just one small action can make massive differences!

Most people would not recognize and would not know what hit them if opportunity slapped them silly! I see this a lot in network marketing; I see too many people struggling with their businesses. I come along and offer free mentoring with genuine a commitment to help them succeed in building their business and they pass it by! This is nuts! The masses just don’t get it! They have their concept of what I am trying to do and don’t take me up on my offer because they think I am after something. No one will ask me why I do it. I will tell you why; I do it because I believe that I will be more blessed by giving than receiving and that I will reap what I sow. Do you see what I mean by missing opportunity?

I once struggled with my MLM business. Actually I had three businesses going, and all were flops. I was struggling, big time! Then through a string of circumstances I met a person online that reached out to help me. I didn’t question her motive because I sensed genuine care and I wasn’t too proud to take her up on her offer to help. Before I knew it, I began to get “lucky!”

My friend, if you are not prepared…get prepared! Don’t keep going from hype offer to hype offer. Get help if you need it. If someone offers a helping hand, take it! Before you know it, you will be “lucky” too. This is an MLM success secret worth learning! This is an MLM success secret that you can take to the bank…literally!