Friday, August 31, 2007

MLM Success Secret - To Succeed Think in Terms of Abundance not Competition

The competitive mind belongs to a person with a lack mentality. The competitive mind always thinks that there is not enough to go around and will always try to take from others. They feel that the pie is only so big and that they have to take more slices of the one limited pie by out-maneuvering the “competition” and take from them, or maybe even get them out of the way.

The fact is that there is no lack. The universe was designed with abundance in view. The fact is; the world was created by a Creator that knows no lack at all. Even as you read this article the universe is expanding and growing, this is a scientific certainty. New discoveries are an everyday occurrence and there seems to be no end to the flow of ideas that are happening every minute of every day! The universe is vibrant and growing without our awareness. Yet, most of the human beings on this planet “feel” that there is lack.

The U.S. government promotes the concept of lack by giving its citizens the idea that we need to take from the rich and give to the poor. There is the sense here of redistribution and not that of abundance. This mindset will only lead to more dependence on the government and deeper poverty among the poor.

I am seeing the same “lack” mindset in the world of MLM. An important MLM success secret is to drop the competitive mind and develop thoughts of abundance. The fact is there is plenty for everyone. There are some programs that claim that they have a way to “steel leads” from others to drive them to your website. There is software programs designed to do the same. This is the competitive mind at work. The person with the abundance mindset knows to reach out to people and offer people more in use value than they receive in cash value. When one does this; people will flock to you and you will experience abundance in due time.

The greatest MLM success stories are told about the people who have learned to give. Those with a competitive mind hoard their resources because they think that they will run out. The person with an abundance mindset gives and keeps giving; knowing that there is no lack and that they will receive many times in return more than they give.

Flushing the competitive mind is not easy. Just keep in mind that if you have to take from others to gain for yourself, you have the wrong thinking and/or are receiving some bad advice. Think in terms of abundance. Be thankful for what you have an watch things change in your life and business.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Don't Buy Into the Prelaunch Hype

Are you looking for a hot network marketing business? The fact is hundreds of thousands of people are looking for the perfect home business even as you are reading this.

However, there are lots of programs that are full of hype. One of the biggest hype terms being used is “prelaunch.” The term prelaunch is used to give you a sense of urgency to buy into a business opportunity. In Prelaunch you are usually offered some kind of discounted price if you join NOW.

My advice is not to buy into this method of hype. Most programs like this have a short life. I would suggest that you take a deep breath when considering a prelaunch program and don’t get involved right away. Actually, it is better to hold off a year or two to see if they are still around. Let them work all the bugs out before and if you get involved.

I have been involved in 3 prelaunches because I bought into the hype and “felt” the urgency to join. In every case there were so many bugs that I got discouraged, frustrated, and fed up. This is not good. With one of the prelaunches, the creator of the program was competing against his own affiliates! A few of these prelaunch opportunities MIGHT be for real, but the messy prelaunch phase discourages people from hanging in there for the long haul. It’s just not work the risk. The only people who seem to make money in these situations are those who take there entire organizations with them. Those at the top of the heap make all the money while the little guy is left with emptier pockets.

Do some people make money in these prelaunches? Sure they do, but it is still better to wait it out until the timing is more optimal. It’s just not good to feel urgent about joining anything. If the program is good and the opportunity real; it will be around next year. Again, don’t join a company too soon. Time will tell if the opportunity is indeed an opportunity or just another dud!

My advice is to forget the prelaunch programs and look at a company based upon:

The integrity of the leadership (there are ways to find out thanks to the search engines)
The timing in the industry (have they been around for a period of time, have a proven track record, and are all affiliates making money)
Is the compensation plan friendly for the part-time and beginners or does most of the money go to the top of the heap?
Do they have an awesome product? A WOW product that has proven results and multiple products behind it.
Do they have a simple system that others can plug into and be successful?
Is your “sponsor-to-be” committed to your success? Do you have the assurance that they will be there for you? To find this out, call them, ask questions, Google them to see what is said about them online.

There are plenty of so-called opportunities out there and I urge you not to fall for the prelaunch hype. Study and ask questions before you jump into something. I would strongly suggest calling the person making the offer. It is important that you feel comfortable with the person you are going into business with. If you do so, there is a better chance that you will not be disappointed.

I personally believe that there is no need to be competitive. Competitive people always apply pressure and play games with your mind. I believe that the means and supply of wealth is endless. There is plenty for all. Do not let anyone pressure you. It’s your money; it’s your life. Take your time and follow your intuition and you will find yourself in a much better place.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Read the Policies and Procedures

Have you read the policies and procedures of your current MLM business? Before you continue to invest time and money into your business, I would suggest you do so right away.

The MLM landscape is changing drastically. More and more companies are choosing to promote their products and services via the network marketing model because it is so effective. However, a lot of these companies do not have a clue what they are doing. Many of them are being run by MBA’s and company executives that were never in the trenches building a network marketing business. Big deal you may say. Well, it is a big deal. I would rather be part of a company that has a guy or gal at the helm that has been where I am. These folks will be less likely to take advantage of the MLM’er when they start making good money; which brings me to my topic…

Many Policies and Procedures (PNP’s) are loaded with all kinds of verbiage that can be used, in the future, to take you hard earned money away from you. Don’t think this hasn’t happened. It happens all the time. The more wordy the Policy and Procedures are, the bigger chance you have of getting screwed! There is a magic word in many PNP’s that can be used against you; and that word is “ongoing.”

Many PNP’s state that you have to have “ongoing sales and/or recruiting” to stay qualified to receive your checks. That means, if you want to retire—forget it! I don’t know about you; I plan to retire! So, like a said, look at your PNP’s to make sure that little word “ongoing” in not in there, and if it is, how is it being used. I just told you one little trick that many MLM’s are using. There is many more; too many to even contemplate in this short article.

My goal here is to get you to read you PNP’s. I know a few people that have been ripped off because the MLM companies that they represented decided to enforce their PNP’s. They didn’t do it when the checks were small; they waited until they get to be several thousand a month and if they need to, they will take your money. I don’t think these companies plan to do this. It’s just their insurance policy if they get too reckless in the management of the company and need your money to stay afloat.

Some MLM companies state that they can terminate you within 30 days written notice. Others change their compensation plans multiple times—usually not in favor of the network marketer. If this is going on…jump ship before it sinks!

My advise to you is before joining a company to market their products or services you better read the PNP’s. Make sure they are geared for your success. Make sure you can retire when you desire and still draw a check. Make sure you can pass your business on to your children if you so desire to do so. Make sure you can directly sponsor family members.

If you are in a business that is not friendly toward the MLM’er; maybe you should consider your options now. It is better to know now, then to be a statistic later. So, get going, read your Policies and Procedures. It may save you your career in MLM.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Mouth to Ear Prospecting

I have listened to lots of tape programs. I have also been in sales for the last 15 years and in MLM a few. The best tape I think anyone can own is the tape you put over your mouth when conversing with a prospect about your network marketing business.

The other day I told someone that I have been in sales for 15 years and never sold a thing. Yes I have made hundreds of thousands of dollars in the business. How could that happen without “selling”? It happened because I have learned (and am learning) the secret of shutting the pie hole and listening to others. People love to buy, and HATE to be sold! I help them buy what they are convinced they need.

I learned years ago that the best time to speak is when asking questions. The answers to the questions that your prospects give you are more valuable than any “sales pitch” that you can spew out. If you can ask effective questions then you will get answers that will help you to find solutions for your prospect.

Your prospect holds the keys to their own success. You just need to discover those keys to release your prospects success by asking probing questions.

Here are a few questions that you can ask. After you ask them shut up!

Tell me about your job?
Tell me about you family?
What do you like to do in your leisure time?
Have you been in network marketing before?
What did you like about it?
What did you not like about it?
What are you looking for in a network marketing opportunity?
How much money would you desire to make a month?
How many hours are you willing to spend a week to develop your business?
If you had someone that was committed to help you succeed, would you be willing to do what he or she said to achieve that success?

Again, these are just a few questions you can ask and the answers you hear will open the treasure chest of your prospects heart. Now it is your job to help them make their dreams become a reality. How will you do this? Be their mentor. Commit to them and tell them that you can help them be successful. When they commit to you; be SURE to commit to them and do not let them down! If you let them down, shame on you! If you are one of those “opportunity hoppers,” do all of us legitimate network marketers a favor and get out! You are spoiling MLM by your pursuit of money and sacrificing other people for your gain!

Do not look at your prospects or associates with dollar signs in your eyes. They can smell it! Be genuine and take care of them. The money WILL follow! It has been my experience and it will be yours. Another way to put it, is to “focus on the goose, the golden eggs will come forth in due time.”

So practice the 3-L’s, Listen, Learn, and Lead; by doing so you will become wealthy and make others rich in the process.

MLM Success Secret - Become a Magnet of Success

The greatest thing that you could do to become a magnet of success is to be thankful. Gratitude is actually a law. It works just like gravity or any other law. Just apply it and it works.

Don't you just love grateful people; I personally love being around them. They are like a magnet; they draw people to them and thus draw all kinds of serendipitous opportunities to them as well. Another thing gratitude draws is God's favor. To be grateful is to, as the apostle Paul said, "In everything give thanks." Do you thank God for everything? If you do, I can pretty well guess that you are happy and successful. Thankful people have a propensity to find good in everything.

Thankfulness is the best way to increase your faith and empower you to keep on going; even with things "appear" bleak. Is your MLM taking time to get off that ground? Thank God for your business everyday and just see what happens. Are you not feeling well? Thank God that you still have breath! Thankfulness is always rewarded...guaranteed!!!

If you want to repel both God and man, just murmur and complain about ANYTHING in your life. Unthankfulness just shows ingnorance of the Law of Gratitude. Whenever you feel the urge to complain, just stop and say, "Thank you God." By practicing this you will become a magnet of success.

MLM Success Secret - Get Off of Your But!

Did I get your attention? No, I did not mispell anything. I meant what I said. By getting off of your but, I mean to say, "Stop cancelling your future success by saying 'but'." Let me give you an example: If you say, "I should eat more healthy food, but..." you are cancelling out your reality of becoming healthy. "My dream is to be a millionaire, but..." cancels out ALL hope of becomming a millionaire. "I love my wife, but...." cancels out your love for your spouse (at least at that moment).

I would challenge you to treat the word "but" like the worse curse word you ever heard. Get it out of your vocabulary, especially if you are using it to cancel out the things you really want in life.

I hope this is helpful.

MLM Success Secret - You Need Focus and Long Term Thinking to Win

There are two things that many network marketers fail to do: Focus and think long term.

Focus is vital to long term success in network marketing. I think that it is a recipe for failure to involve yourself with more than one network marketing business. Think about it; network marketing is about relationships and helping others succeed. How can you successfully do that if you are building two, three, or four businesses at once? I think people who do this are focused on the money which will never bring long term success. Like I said many times before, you must focus on your team and the money will follow. In my book, multiple streams of income doesn't mean having 5 online businesses. It means having one business with lots of well mentored associates who are all working toward their dreams.

A coach cannot coach more than one team at a time and expect to win. He must focus on one team and help that team to play as a team so all can win. It is not fair to your downline to get involved with muli-programs. Once I was sponsored by a gentlemen into a program that was going to make me rich (so he said). After I signed up, he tried to get me into other programs with him. Why? So he could get rich and I could go broke! He, like so many others became a big disappointment. You see, he was not focused and is, what I call, a opportunity jumper. Eventually anyone that he sponsors will lose because he was not faithul to the true meaning of network others succeed.

I have learned my lesson and put all my eggs in one basket, and them watch that basket! I am now focused on one thing and one thing only. This is what Napoleon Hill means when he talked about definiteness of purpose. Focus is crucial to you success. Don't be a Jack-of-all-trades and master-of-none! Don't let down people by your ambition to get rich quick. You will fail in the long run...which brings me to my next point...

You have to be a long term thinker. Don't be a get-rich-now type of person. Don't worry about who you are going to sponsor next and how much money you are going to make. Think long term. I don't think in terms of the money that am making now. I personally think in terms of the money that I am going to make 1, 2, 3, and 5 years from now. In my mind, I am already a millionaire! Think big, but think in terms of the long haul. It is so much fun to do this because you can measure you success as you get closer to your goal. It actually gets down right exciting.

Drop the McDonalds' get-it-now and get-it-fast mentality. Take your time. Do quality work. Serve the one you just sponsored and make sure he or she is on the road to success before you go hunting for more. You will never fail if you take this ways.
Wishing you tremendous success!

Friday, August 17, 2007

MLM Success Secret - The Seeds of Success

If success were easy everyone would be successful. However, every single person on this planet has within them the capacity to be successful and that includes you. It seems that most people look high and low for success, yet never seem to find it. The good news is that success isn't out there somewhere; it is within you.

Every human being was born with the seed of success within them. But like any other seed, it needs to be watered, and given ample amounts of light. The problem with 95% plus of the population is that they do not nurture the seeds of success within them. Instead they waste their time and resources on meaningless tasks and activities like watching excessive amounts of television and other forms of entertainment. They fill their minds with negativity and thus quench the possibility for the success seeds within them to grow.

Like I said earlier, the success seeds within us need two things: Water and Light. Water and light come from filling our minds with goodness. My car is a rolling success university. I am constantly listening to CD's that feed and enlighten my mind with goodness. As a result my mind is always changing; and when your mind changes, you change. This kind of change gives you the belief and power to go for your dreams and when you go for your dreams, if you do not give up, you WILL achieve them!

Is your NWM (MLM) business not where you would like it to be? Does success seem to elude you? If so, maybe you are not taking care of the success seeds within you. Maybe you are smothering them with the daily news (usually bad) and negative speaking in your environment. My advice to you is to get away from anything that is not positive (at least the things that you can control). Don't listen to today’s news outlets. They are promoters of doom and gloom. They will choke the seeds of success within you before they have a chance to grow.
Achieving success is not easy. It seems that you must pass the test to have your dreams come true. Nature doesn't just hand things over to you on a silver platter; you must EARN success. You must water, give light, cultivate, and weed your success garden. You MUST go through disappointments and discouragements for they test your faith. Don't ask me why, it's just that way and there are NO shortcuts. But if you hold fast the vision of your success and take the necessary actions required to succeed; you will one day wake up and say, "It was worth it!"
Finally, be grateful to God. When we are thankful to the Creator we actually seem to become a magnet of success. Opportunities seem to show up from nowhere! Let me explain how this happens…

God is the creator. He is creator and arranger of opportunities. An ungrateful heart is not prepared to see or recognize the opportunities that are all around them. Instead the ungrateful moan and groan about their situation and the opportunities just fly by them, unrecognized. But the heart grateful toward God is “prepared” to see opportunities as they appear. Thankfulness actually prepares us to see opportunity so we can take action to grab them as they appear and use them on our road to success.

Earl Nightingale in his recording “Lead the Field” said that luck in when preparedness meets opportunity. If you check; you will find that the “lucky ones” are probably more grateful than the average person and thus prepared to see opportunity when they appear.
Stop complaining! Stop moaning and murmuring about your life! Look around and find the positive things you have and thank God for each of them. Thank Him for the breath in your lungs. Thank Him for the roof over your head. Thank Him for the food on your table. When you list all the good things in your life and thank God for them…just see what will happen. Opportunities will abound!

In conclusion, water the success seeds within you. Give them light and nurture them. Be thankful to God for all the goodness in your life and just watch your success seeds grow!

-Michael Puskas

Monday, August 13, 2007

MLM Success Secrets - Here Are Just a Few

Network marketing is the best way to make a lasting income; an income that can be enjoyed for generations. It is important, however, to understand that the biggest MLM success secret is people. You will never have lasting success if you do not focus on the needs of those you sponsor. If you can mentor two or three others to do what you do and they do the same; you will experience tremendous success.

Another MLM success secret is to market YOU. People don’t buy products and services without buying YOU first. Because of the internet self-marketing is very easy. My advice would be to do the following:

· Start a blog and post to it regularly
· Get on 2-5 online forums that specialize in MLM or Network Marketing and post often
· Submit articles to article submission sites

People basically want to now two things before becoming involved with a network marketing business: Can I do this? Can you teach me? If you can create a highly duplicatable system and offer great mentoring, you will be successful.

I would warn you not to make promises that you that cannot keep. The hype and lies are prevailing today on the internet. Don’t promise people that they can make $10,000 in 30 days. It is highly unlikely that the average person can do that, and this kind of hype just turns people off. Be realistic in your offering. If you have to lie and hype things up to get prospects to join your opportunity; you are either in the wrong business or the wrong person to be involved with. I trust that the later is not the case.

Another MLM success secret is put the necessary time and effort into your business. Remember your MLM business is just that, a business. Nothing of value can be had without paying a price. Many successful people have gone on before us and they all had to pay the price to make their dreams come true. Napoleon Hill, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Earl Nightingale, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and the myriads others had to pay the price of hard work, long hours, and perseverance to make their dreams come true. It will be no different for you. The good part is that this will only go on for a season and then you will enjoy the fruits of your labor. Success is like a snow ball. It starts out small at first; as it rolls down the hill it builds in size and momentum. This is what will happen to your business as well!

My final MLM success secret is to not give up. Never give up on your dreams and aspirations. They CAN be achieved if you don’t give up too soon. Many people have become disappointed and given up just inches from becoming a success story; don’t let that happen to you. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are stupid, the business you are in won’t work and other words of discouragement. Losers don’t want you to win—remember that. The fact is; you can win and your dreams can come true if you just remember a these MLM success secrets and practice them.

If you have any questions, please drop me a line.

MLM Success Secret - Forum and Blog Sites to Help Promote Your Business

I would like to introduce you to a few forum and blog sites that you can use to help you promote your business.

The first one is MLMJive. This is a great community where you can make yourself know to other network marketers. I have several posts on this site to give you an example of what you can do to promote your business. Go to and sign up. It's free! I made an excellent friend through this site and we are currently doing business together because of it!

The next one is This one has been around a little longer. This is actually a forum. gives you a chance to voice your views, receive and offer help, and just get a feel what is going on in the MLM world. Just go to to sign up. Again, it's free.

This weekend I signed up with This is a very interesting site. You can post blogs, join forums, post videos and much more. You are even paid each time someone visits one of your posts. There is alot more detail at It is free to sign up.

AdLandPro is another great site to visit and sign up for. You can join forums, post blogs, and advertise for free. The link is

Look me up when your visit these sites. It is important that you get your name out in as many communities as you can handle. There is a lot of work to this, but it is worth it. These are free ways to market YOU. So don't be shy. Get out there and make it happen!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Success Comes By Loving You First

In order to be successful in Network Marketing you need to have a genuine care for people. I would even say that you need to love people. So many opportunities out there are trying to take people out of the equation. They promise big bucks with no human contact. I get offered opportunties telling me that there is no calling, selling, meetings, etc. Actually, I would love a program like that. But the FACTS are that people want to deal with people. They want to know that the program you are offering works and that can YOU teach THEM how to do it.

If you want a successful business you must love people. If you want to love people, you must first love yourself. How we treat people is a mirror of how we feel about ourselves. The first thing you have to do breakthrough in order to love others is to first love YOU.

Look in the mirror. I bet you have a complaint about what you see. "I'm too fat! My nose is too big! I have this scar!" and the list goes on and on. I was at the drugstore today and saw a tabloid exposing the "cellulite deposits" on some movie stars caught on the beach. Do you know what this crap is saying? It is saying if you have cellulite, you are not perfect; there is something wrong with you! The same message is being conveyed if you are 1 once over-weight! The tabloids, glarmour magazines, and movies are telling you day be day that you are not perfect. You are lacking. You are inferior. There is SOMTHING wrong with YOU! This is nonsense!

The fact is, YOU ARE PERFECT, as you are. You were made by a loving God to be YOU. You cannot begin to love and care for others properly as long as you have a problem with YOU. The Bible teaches that, "You should love your neighbor as YOURSELF." What this is really saying is that in order to love your neighbor you need to love YOU first. Many try to love others, but fail because of a lack of love for themselves. How you treat others is a mirror of how you treat YOU.

My challenge for all of us is to begin loving YOU! Appreciate YOU! Thank God for making you YOU. For there is none like you and there will never be. YOU are unique. YOU are special. YOU are precious. When you see this, you will treat others the same.
Friends, network marketing is a people business. Forget the money, that will come when you love people. Don't fall for the claims that you can do it all without contacting people. Maybe you can for a short period of time, but ultimately you will not have LASTING success. You need people and they need YOU!

When you wake up tomorrow morning, look in the mirror and say, "INSERT YOUR NAME , you are awesome and wonderfully made. You are perfect because you are you. You are unique and special and there is no one like you!" This is not pride or vainglory; this is a fact. Do this every morning and watch your attitude toward others change. The reach out, help your downline grow and reach their goals. Before you know it, all your dreams will come true

Sunday, August 5, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Limiting Beliefs - The Dream Killers

Years ago I heard two stories that have and are having a profound effect on my life. Both are related to training and both are pictures of how limiting beliefs can stop us of achieving greatness.

It is said that when an elephant is young it is tied to a huge post; one much bigger than necessary to keep the animal from breaking free. As the elephant tries and tries to break free day after day it finally gives up. The elephant is conditioned to believe it cannot escape. As it grows, the post it is tied to becomes no match for the elephant’s mighty strength, however because of its conditioning it doesn’t even try to break free.

The second story was told by Zig Ziglar. I heard it years ago, so Zig, don’t take offense if I don’t tell it exactly right. In an experiment, fleas were placed in a jar with cellophane placed over its mouth. An air supply was provided. When first placed in the jar, the fleas jump and jumped hitting the cellophane at the mouth of the jar. They tried and tried until one day they no longer jumped that high. I guess they were getting tired of hitting there heads against the cellophane! Do fleas have heads? Eventually the cellophane was taken away and not one of the fleas tried to escape. Why? They gave up because they were conditioned to believe that they could not get out.

We also, since our birth, were conditioned and this conditioning formed beliefs within us. And many of these beliefs are LIMITING! Let’s say you came from a family with below average income. You saw your father and mother struggle from pay check to pay check to make ends meet. Over time you may have formed a belief that everyone in your family has to live this way because no one in your family tree ever became rich.

Then one day you had a dream of having your own network marketing company and becoming a millionaire. The dream is real and wonderful, but for some reason you go from program to program failing time and time again. You blame everyone and everything. However, the problem may be your limiting beliefs. You may say, I believe I can be a millionaire! But inwardly, deep down, there is the hidden limiting belief that says you can’t. What we want to believe and our limiting beliefs cannot dwell together. They create conflict.

In order for a new belief to take hold, we must dig up the limiting belief, feel its pain and let go of it! One way to do this is to write it out on a piece of paper. Make sure you feel the pain of the limiting belief that is holding you back. Then write out the new belief on a separate piece of paper; one that empowers and excites you…then burn the paper with the old limiting belief. Get rid of it. Even if you have to put it through the shredder! Take the new belief and read it aloud daily. Feel the excitement and pleasure it brings you. The key word is to feel it. These rich feelings will draw the things you desire into your life, now that the conflict is gone.

Once we recognize and deal with our limiting beliefs we can form new ones that will help bring the things we truly want into our lives. I will give you one of my famous Bible stories…

There was a woman, who according to the Bible, had an issue of blood for 38 years. She went from doctor to doctor and not one could cure her of her hemorrhaging. She had a belief that only doctors could help her. Well, eventually she spent all she had to no avail. She was desperate and helpless. One day she heard about a man named Jesus who was healing all manner of sicknesses. She abandoned her old limiting belief that only doctors could save her and formed a new one, “If only I could touch the hem of His garment I will be healed.” The crowds were pressing Jesus, but that did not deter this woman’s acting according to her new belief. She crawled on the ground until she reached Jesus and touched His garment. At once she was healed and at the same time Jesus perceived power had gone out from Him.

When Jesus perceived the power released from Him, He asked, “Who touched Me?” The disciples basically said, “Are you nuts; the crowds are pressing against you!” But Jesus replied, “No, someone touched me.” At once the woman rose up and admitted that she was the one who touched him. Jesus said to her, “Your faith has made you well.” Her new belief brought her the healing she craved.

Friend, if something is stopping you from achieving your dreams, you can be sure that there is a limiting belief lurking in the depths of your being that is keeping you from reaching those dreams. Maybe it’s been there for 38 years like the hemorrhaging woman. To dig it out you may need some coaching. If you are in a good program, your sponsor should be able to help you through the use of questions.

If not, contact me and let’s see what we can do to expose those limiting beliefs and deal with them so you can attract to the things you truly want in your life.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Don't Be Discouraged By the Apparent Lack of Results

Everyone wants results. However, too many of us want results NOW. We go to McDonald's and if we have to wait more than 3 minutes we get upset. If we order a book online, we want it now. When we invest time into something, we want to see the results yesterday. Does this sound like you?

The problem with "wanting it now" can lead to "giving up too soon." This is especially true with network marketing. I have been working for weeks posting articles, writing blogs, advertising, etc., with little APPARENT results. Does this mean I should give up? Now way! I am not about to give up because I realize that some results are invisible and it takes time for their manifestation.

I believe that 9.5 out of 10 people are guilty of giving up too soon. They join a program and if results are not immediate, bam, they quite. They move on to the next opportunity and history repeats itself. Why? Because most of us do not realize that results are invisible before they manifest themselves. The Bible tells us that we will REAP what we SOW. This is a universal law and it is as certain as the law of gravity. When a farmer sows seed he or she doesn't go out the next day or even the next week to check for results; to see IF anything is happening. Why? Because they realize that results start out invisible. When the farmer sowed the seed into the ground he or she realized that results were happening right away...they just can't be seen. It may take weeks for the results of his or her sowing to become manifest. To a knowledgeable farmer "IF anything happens" is not in their mentality. There is no IF to them, but only WHEN.

What you SOW you will REAP. Do not give up too easily or too early. Know for certain that the results ARE there; they are only invisible right now, but, as the Bible says, in due season we WILL reap IF we do not faint.

If you are in a network marketing opportunity that you believe in and have a good mentor or coach to help you along the way; then hang in there. Do the necessary sowing and know that results are first invisible before they become manifest. If you are in an opportunity, but lack mentorship, please let me know. I will do what I can to assist you for free.

Another interesting fact about sowing is this: The reaping is greatly out of proportion to the sowing! If a farmer sows one grain for corn the reaping is vastly greater than the sowing. One grain produces one stalk and on that stalk are several ears that contain multiple kernals. This is true of just about every type of seed. Isn't this wonderful!

Here is a progression that you should menorize:

Sow > Time Passes > Invisible Results > More Time Passes > Visible Results > REAPING!

The results we are seeking takes time. So go to work sow, sow, sow, and I assure you as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, you will reap IF you do not faint.

MLM Success Secret - Results Can Be Invisible

Everyone wants results. However, too many of us want results NOW. We go to McDonald's and if we have to wait more than 3 minutes we get upset. If we order a book online, we want it now. When we invest time into something, we want to see the results yesterday. Does this sound like you?

The problem with "wanting it now" can lead to "giving up too soon." This is especially true with network marketing. I have been working for weeks posting articles, writing blogs, advertising, etc., with little APPARENT results. Does this mean I should give up? Now way! I am not about to give up because I realize that some results are invisible and it takes time for their manifestation.

I believe that 9.5 out of 10 people are guilty of giving up too soon. They join a program and if results are not immediate, bam, they quite. They move on to the next opportunity and history repeats itself. Why? Because most of us do not realize that results are invisible before they manifest themselves. The Bible tells us that we will REAP what we SOW. This is a universal law and it is as certain as the law of gravity. When a farmer sows seed he or she doesn't go out the next day or even the next week to check for results; to see IF anything is happening. Why? Because they realize that results start out invisible. When the farmer sowed the seed into the ground he or she realized that results were happening right away...they just can't be seen. It may take weeks for the results of his or her sowing to become manifest. To a knowledgeable farmer "IF anything happens" is not in their mentality. There is no IF to them, but only WHEN.

What you SOW you will REAP. Do not give up too easily or too early. Know for certain that the results ARE there; they are only invisible right now, but, as the Bible says, in due season we WILL reap IF we do not faint.

If you are in a network marketing opportunity that you believe in and have a good mentor or coach to help you along the way; then hang in there. Do the necessary sowing and know that results are first invisible before they become manifest. If you are in an opportunity, but lack mentorship, please let me know. I will do what I can to assist you for free.

Another interesting fact about sowing is this: The reaping is greatly out of proportion to the sowing! If a farmer sows one grain for corn the reaping is vastly greater than the sowing. One grain produces one stalk and on that stalk are several ears that contain multiple kernals. This is true of just about every type of seed. Isn't this wonderful!

Here is a progression that you should menorize:

Sow > Time Passes > Invisible Results > More Time Passes > Visible Results > REAPING!

The results we are seeking takes time. So go to work sow, sow, sow, and I assure you as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, you will reap IF you do not faint.

Michael Puskas

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

MLM Success Secret - The E-Book That Saved Me From Going Broke

There are a lot of scams online these days. Programs that tell you that you can get rich in 30 days by doing nothing. Personally, I have put hundreds of dollars into these programs with no success. There is a reason for this and I did not know what it was until I read Michael Dlouhy's E-book Success in 10 Steps. This book absolutely saved me from wasting thousands of dollars more in worthless programs. I would like to offer this e-book to you the way it was offered to me, absolutely free. I promise, if you are seeking online marketing success, that it will save you as well. Go to: and get it now. It will not cost you a thing, but will save you a lot!

MLM Success Secret - To Be Successful Focus on Others

I have been in "sales" for nearly 15 years and have not sold a thing! My bosses loved me and thought I was an awesome sales person, yet I never sold a thing! How can that be?
The answer is quite simple. I never focused on my bank account; instead I focused on the needs of my customer. I simply helped them buy. Do you get it? I helped them do what they love to! All my customers had needs; all I did was to help them get what they wanted. They didn't feel "sold". They simple felt that they received from me what they bought.
Never focus on your product, service, or bank account. If you do, you will miss alot of opportunities. What I see on the internet these days are a bunch of "promise pushers." They push promises to make you rich in 30 days of less. They promise that you do not have to talk to people. They promise fully automated systems. However, if you trust these promises, you will be very disappointed. Heck, most of these so called opportunities do not even have a product!
I will make you a promise that is for real, "Take care of people, listen to their needs, help them acheive their dreams, and your needs will be more than supplied. The secret to an ever increasing bank account is focus on the person in need. People need you. They need your mentoring. They need your support. They need to know that you will be there to help them along the way. If you are, you will be richly rewarded.
Therefore, take your eyes off the money, and focus your attention on people. You will be richly rewarded.