Monday, December 10, 2007

Network Marketing Success

If you are looking for a get-rich-quick opportunity, you may find something out there; but chances are you will not succeed in the long run.

There are plenty of programs on the internet that offer $500 or $1,000 per sale. That sounds great on the surface, but for long term success—forget it! These programs require a high start-up cost and lots of money for online advertising. If you don’t know what you are doing, and most don’t, you will be sorely disappointed. These programs give you a one-time income opportunity at a high-cost for advertising. So the promised $500 may only be $200 by the time you spend advertising dollars on Google Adwords, solo ads, classifieds, etc. Also, with some of these programs, you have to pass-up your first sale or two. They call it your tuition for training.

Some may declare that they do get income on there directly sponsored affiliates, but again, that’s one time and very hard to come by because most people just can’t sell high ticket “services.” Besides, most do not have enough advertising dollars to be successful because they have to fork out all their money on the “opportunity.”

One program that I was involved with taught people how to promote products and services online. Later I found out that I could get that information online for FREE! Right now if anyone needs to know how to promote their product or service online, contact me and I will show you.

These are not the only downfalls; programs like this offer no residual income. If there is no residual income you might as well keep your day job because you will never obtain the financial freedom that you seek. You are just a commissioned salesperson in such cases.

If you want true financial freedom, you must promote consumable products that everyone will want and use whether they are “in the business” or not. Granted, on the surface, this looks like the slow way to gain wealth. But that is only on the surface.

Let’s say you make a whopping $500 per sale. How many people do you think can cough up that kind of money? I can tell you from experience, not many! Not only that; everything is dependent on you “making the sale.” If you stop selling, your income stops as well.

Now let’s say you promote affordable consumable product that a lot of people use and can afford. I will use energy drinks as an example. There are about 70 million energy drinks sold in North America every day! How possible do you it would be to get 25 people, who drink energy drinks already, to purchase your affordable energy drink product on a monthly bases? I think that this is VERY possible. Now let’s say you can get these 25 people on an auto-ship program; where they receive their energy drinks every month without the hassle of remembering to order them. Do you know that that will yield $500 per month on a RESIDUAL basis! You don’t have to re-sell those people every single month—they are already sold!

What does residual mean? Residual income is income that keeps coming automatically. An insurance salesperson enjoys residual income from the policies that he sold to you ONCE. I haven’t seen my insurance representative for years and he keeps making money off of the original policies that he sold me! To fully understand the power of residual income, consider a dead man pulling in $45 Million a year off of work he did decades ago! His first name is Elvis.

Which do you prefer? Would you like to become a salesperson that has to keep selling to get your $500 per month? Would you not rather get a few people involved with a product, that they already love, on auto-ship, to receive $500 per month in RESIDUAL income that keeps coming in whether you keep promoting the product or not?

To me, I would rather build a customer base that will provide RESIDUAL income. I don’t want another job of sell, sell, sell, to keep income flowing. The fact is, most people can’t or won’t do that. To produce a residual income stream does take more time, but once you do it; it’s done!

If you are looking for a get-rich-quick opportunity, go to Las Vegas. If you are looking for long term wealth and early retirement, become a real network marketer and work your tail off for 2-5 years. Sure it takes time and hard work, but believe me, it’s worth it! Just a few years of labor for a lifetime of favor!

One more thing; these so-called opportunities that speak ill of MLM, network marketing, selling, phone calling, making lists, nickel and dime incomes, 3-way calls and the like are so full of B.S. They are pure hype; appealing to the laziness in every one of us. Does this offend you? Why do you think only 5% of the population is financially independent? The reason is that success is a labor. You have to WORK at it. You have to go through the gauntlet if you want to achieve greatness. If it were easy, everybody would be rich and free of debt. Read the stories of Edison, Ford, Hill, and other successes. I would also ask you to read my blog entry on the Pursuit of Happiness and you will get the picture.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Power of Faith and How to Increase It

Note: This article in intended to add hope and assurance to anyone who reads it. My goal is to augment to life of all those I come in contact with. I wrote this particularly for fellow network marketers who are struggling to make their businesses grow to achieve the financial and time freedom that we all desire. Faith plays a huge role in living a successful life. I hope that you will find this encouraging as you make your pilgrimage here on earth and do it with zest and thankfulness. Now let’s endeavor to answer the question, “What is faith?”

The Bible (Hebrews 11:1) answers this question the best, “Now faith is the assurance of what is hoped for, the conviction of what is not seen.” Wow, is that a loaded statement! Faith is the assurance, the pledge, guarantee, and certainty of mind that what you do not see, IS! Faith is the conviction, the certainty of what is not seen as already existing. Faith is believing in something that you cannot see as already yours; you are just waiting for its manifestation.

Another one of my favorite Bible passages is in the gospel of Mark and it says, “Have faith in God. I assure you: If anyone says to this mountain, ‘be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you, all things you pray and ask for—believe that you have received them, and you will have them.” This is one of the most profound verses I have every read about faith.

Faith believes that you have RECEIVED, already, what you asked for. It is only when you believe is such a way that you will have what you want. Notice that there is also the matter of speaking involved. You also need to speak the things you want into being. You need to speak of what you want in such a way that you talk as though you already have it!

Faith is an elusive thing and very hard to possess in a world where everything seems to go against it. We have a tendency to believe what we see, hear, feel, touch, and smell. Our five senses are so strong they can wipe out faith very easily. Our environment speaks doubt, fear, and unbelief into us and leaves us unable to possess the things in life we really want. People and circumstances around us destroy our faith and leave us like a ship without a rudder; tossed by the winds of life with little or no sense of direction.

What do you really want? That is the first thing that you must focus on. Do not even think about what you do not want in life; pay attention to the things you want. Think about them, write them down, dream about them and speak of them as though you already possess them and you shall have them. Stay clear of negative people and news outlets. They will only derail your faith.

There are several good illustrations of people who possessed outstanding faith, but my favorite is Thomas Edison. Here is a man who believed that he could harness to power of electricity to produce light. His dream was to produce the first incandescent light bulb. Here is a man that tried over 10,000 times to make his dream a reality. Think about what people said about him! He probably heard all kinds of discouraging things like: “That will never work!” or “When are you going to give up on that contraption?” or “You are crazy for wasting you time on something that clearly won’t work!” No doubt he heard it all, but that did not stop him. Why, you may ask? He never gave up because he believed that he already possessed the answer. His belief overcame the doubt and fear that sometimes passed through his mind. He stay focused and on course. He thought it impossible not to have what he set his mind on…and he was right! Thomas Edison became one of the top inventors of all time because of his belief.

Thomas Edison did something that 99% of the population would never do. He took action every single day until he received what he believed he already possessed. After over 10,000 attempts (some would call failures), Thomas Edison received the answer to his challenge while coming out of one of his infamous cat naps. If anything should encourage you to keep on keeping on, it should be the story of this man!

You can have anything that you can imagine if you would only believe! If you believe you can, you will! What do you want? Have you reached the point that you feel that you have already obtained it? Do you feel that what you want is already yours? If you do, you will most assuredly acquire it! This is a law! As there is a law of gravity; there is the law of faith. The law of faith will work every time, without fail.

How does one get such faith? Mainly by hearing and speaking. Give heed to what you hear. Surround yourself with positive speaking and speak to yourself positively. Ask yourself good questions, and the answers that you seek will come. Speak of what you want. Surround yourself with C.D.’s, videos, and people that support you in your quest. Eventually you will build up such faith that, though you don’t actually possess what you want yet, you feel as though you already possess it…and guess what? You will possess that thing! Stay clear of negative people and environments that do not feed your belief. Don’t give any attention to them. Most people are just jealous and will hold you back if you are not careful. They will tell you that your dream is crazy and it won’t work. They will tell you to play it safe and don’t take risks. They will tell you to calm down and think about how stupid your dream is. I am telling you right now; don’t give those thoughts any attention!

What I am writing is as certain as the sun rises in the east and settles in the west. You can have what you want if you take possession of your mind, focus on what you want, speak of what you want and allow faith to possess you and bring to you that very thing!

There was a woman in the Bible that suffered from hemorrhaging for over 38 years. She spent all of her livelihood seeking medical help, but to no avail. She heard about Jesus and all the healings that he performed. That hearing caused faith to rise up in her heart. She eventually sought Jesus but could not get to him because of the crowds. So she thought to herself, “If I could only touch the fringe of his garment, I will be healed.” She took action and, I believe crawled to Him through the crowd and touched the hem of His garment and was immediately healed! Though many surrounded Jesus and were touching him, only one truly had faith and because of her faith Jesus perceived power going out of Him from her touch of faith. When Jesus perceived this, he said, “Who touched me?” His disciples said that everyone was touching Him, but he knew there was one who touched Him in faith. Eventually the woman rose up and confessed that it was her. Do you know what Jesus then said to her? “Your faith has healed you!” Who healed who? To the woman, Jesus healed her; but to the Master, the woman’s faith healed her.

This is an important lesson. Your faith is powerful and God responds to it by manifesting what you believe. That’s why Jesus and the woman had the responses that they did. You do your part…believe--and God does His part—manifesting what you believe. It’s more up to you than Him. He has know problem, it’s you that needs to develop the faith that makes dreams come true.

Napoleon Hill called God, Infinite Intelligence. He did this as to not offend anyone regarding their particular belief in God. Personally, I believe in one unique God, the Creator of us all and Jesus Christ, the Savior of all mankind. He is awesome and we were fearfully and wonderfully made by Him. We were made to know Him and enjoy His creation and all the wonderful things that He provided for us. He gave us a mind, emotion and will to build successful lives on this earth. Don’t forfeit your right to have and be anything you want to be by not exercising the law of faith. What the mind can conceive and believe; it can achieve. So do what you can, feed your faith by positive thinking, hearing, and speaking. Before you know it, you too will develop unstoppable faith—the kind that moves mountains!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Pursuit of Happiness in MLM

I just finished watching the Pursuit of Happyness for about the third time. You may ask why a busy guy like me takes time to watch movies, especially multiple times! I watched this particular one and recommend it to fellow network marketers because it depicts what a dream combined with a positive mental attitude and determination can do for a person.

The movie (based on a true story) starts out with Chris Gardner (Will Smith) who had a dream of making it big in his own business selling bone scanner machines. He pre-purchased several machines (exhausting his savings) with a belief that he would become rich selling this new cutting edge technology. These machines were better than X-rays, but many physicians thought that they were too costly for the slight difference that they made. However, this did not stop Chris from beating the pavement every day in the “pursuit of happiness.” He hit the streets every single day with the belief that he would sell the machines once doctors saw how they worked…it was a hard sell for the most part. Because of his “seeming” failure his relationship with his wife was stressed, to say the least.

One day Chris was walking in front of an office building in downtown San Francisco and a man pulled up in a very expensive sports car. This caught Chris’ eye and he asked the man what he did to earn enough money to drive something like that! The man told him that he was a stock broker. That started Chris dreaming of a better life as a stock broker. In other words, he saw what one man did and realized that he could duplicate it to have the same success.

Chris had a dream and a positive mental attitude with determination, however his wife did not. As a result she left Chris and her son. Through a lot of twists and turns, defeats (mainly) and triumphs, Chris’ dream became a reality. He became a stock broker for Dean Witter, after a six-month apprenticeship which paid nothing! He eventually became a partner in his own company and ultimately sold his share in a multi-million dollar deal just last year! This was a true rags-to-riches story.

Why am I sharing this? Because in it is a lesson for all of us network marketers. You must have a dream, positive mental attitude and determination to have any amount of GREAT success. At first it seems that the deck is stacked against the person in the “pursuit of happiness,” but once you have a major breakthrough the pendulum begins to swing in your favor and success just flows! This has been true of anyone that has had tremendous success; history is full such evidence.

Therefore, I would recommend that your get a copy of the movie and watch it. It is an excellent true story and will inspire you to keep on keeping on until your dreams come true. Just watch the Pursuit of Happyness and you will see what I mean.

Monday, November 12, 2007

What is Network Marketing

When people think of network marketing there are many reactions. Some think of specific companies like Amway, some think of “pyramid schemes” and others think it just doesn’t work. There are many more reactions and reasons for them as well.

Network marketing is, in my opinion, the best way to make your dreams come true. It is simply referring people to products and services and getting paid for doing so! Do you know that literally everyone has been network marketing nearly all their life? Every time you recommend something to someone, you are, in reality, network marketing! My question is, why not get paid for it? Why not find a product that you love and recommend it to everyone you know while getting paid for it in the process?

The network marketing concept has been a successful means of moving products and services even before formal advertising existed. God Himself used this “method” of spreading the good news. Jesus trained 12 disciples to convey to mankind the good news of salvation and through those 12 men the gospel has successfully reached the four corners of the earth! This was all done by word of mouth! My question is; if this concept was good enough for Jesus Christ, isn’t it good enough for you? If this concept works for all the major companies on this planet; don’t you think that it will work for you?

One thing I want to make very clear, network marketing is not easy! You have to work at it. You will need to:
Tell people what you do
Make phone calls
Participate in conference calls
Keep updated with regards to what is going on in your network marketing company
Use the products that you promote
Mentor your team
Be willing to put in at least 2 hours per day to do all the above mentioned things

Network marketing is a business and the successful people treat it as a business and not as a hobby. If you treat network marketing as a hobby, you will not be successful. If you treated your job as a hobby; you would be fired, wouldn’t you? Remember, if you get in network marketing and want to make your dreams come true, treat it as a business!

Network marketing is not a scam; however it is receiving bad press by all the online scam artists. Here are some of the things you will see online:
No selling
No phone calls
No lists
No contacting family or friends
No conference calls
No three-way calls
Make money without effort
Money just flows into your bank account

These are just a few of the things you will see. Things that give people the impression that this is easy and you don’t have to do anything to make money. This is NOT network marketing, this is what I call hype! This is false advertising that gives people false hopes and crushes dreams. These promotions take your money, offer no real mentoring and leave you on your own to figure it all out. This is sad and it makes me sick! There are only a few people that can do these types of so-called businesses and chances are very high that these “opportunities” are not going to work for you. Many of these are not even legal, as such; they will not be around for long.

I would suggest that if you are in a network marketing business and not successful, take a look at the company with which you are involved. Do you have good mentors? Is the compensation plan geared toward the affiliates or more toward the “top dogs” in the company? Are the policies and procedures slanted toward the company or does it protect the affiliates as well? These are questions that you must ask yourself and then take steps to correct the problems that are causing you the lack of success that you desire. It may include jumping ship and finding a company that offers what you will need to succeed.

If you are looking for a network marketing opportunity, be sure to do your due diligence. Don’t fall for the hype. Don’t be pressured to join anything until you are sure of the following:
Will you have a mentor who will help you to succeed and be there when you need them?
Is there a system in place to insure success? People are not duplicatable, but systems are!
Is the compensation plan friendly toward the affiliates? Do not join anything until you have read and understand the policies and procedures!
Are there awesome products involved? Will people still use the products even if they decide not to do it as a business portion? Are the products too expensive? Is there more than one awesome product involved?
How long has the company you are reviewing been in business? If it is a “prelaunch” do yourself a favor and run! Don’t join anything that in not proven! The best time to join a company is after all the “prelaunch” bugs have been worked out and it has proven systems in place.
Make sure that the leaders in the company have been in network marking themselves and not just investors or MBA’s that can’t even spell MLM!

What is network marketing? It is the best way to achieve financial freedom and have control of your life. Anyone with a strong enough reason can be extremely successful at network marketing; however, do not be deceived into thinking that it is easy. It is not easy, but it is worth it.

Network marketing is the only vehicle that I know that doesn’t take an arm and a leg to participate in and can give you the financial and time freedom that you seek. So re-evaluate what you have been doing, and if it’s not working you need to make some changes. If you need mentoring, I will be happy to do it at no cost to you. I enjoy seeing people succeed and I know that with some hard work and determination, in a relatively short time, you can be a success story because you were born to succeed. You just need to be shown how!

Monday, November 5, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Sowing the Seeds of Success

There is a wonderful parable that Jesus gave in the gospels that I would like to borrow and apply to network marketing. It is the story of a sower who went forth to sow seed.

As network marketers we are constantly sowing, at least that is what the great ones practice. We sow the message of our awesome company, products and services. We sow the word about how fantastic our compensations plan is and how you can make a great supplemental or full time income in our businesses. We are willing to train and mentor our people, but here is the reality:

Some seed fell along the path. These are they that hear what we have to offer and say, “Not for me.” In your wildest dreams you cannot understand why they don’t see what you see. Some people will just not get it. They are closed-minded and seem content with working a job making someone else rich; even though they complain about it all the time. You see these people, they could do much better, but just don’t get it!

Some seed fell on the rocky places. These are the ones who get excited about what they hear and ask for more information. They even say, “I am going to do this.” You are sure they are going to become an associate and you send them what they asked for and never hear from them again. They will not take or return your calls and you wonder, what happened? Well, they probably talked to their spouse or other family members, a friend or someone who said, “Are you crazy! That won’t work! You have tried that before and failed! They are just out to get your money! Stick with your job, it’s safer! I had a friend who tried that and failed! That sounds like one of those pyramid schemes to me!” And the hits keep coming. All their excitement gets stripped away by “helpful, caring” people who just don’t get it.

Some seed fell among the thorns. These are the ones who get excited; they jump on board and want to work the business. They may even sponsor one or two themselves; then it happens, the excuses start pouring in. They start missing the training and team calls, they seem to disappear. When you call them they list all the reasons why they can’t continue. Their dreams were choked by the worries and activities of life and before you know it, at best, they are just a consumer of your product, if you are fortunate enough to have one!

Are you discouraged yet? I hope not, but if you are new to network marketing, you might feel like giving up now. I believe that the main reason people give up is that they never had a big enough reason why they were going become a network marketer in the first place. They had a hope or a wish, but not a dream so big and so strong that it would carry them through ANY disappointment. Friend, if your reason for anything is not strong enough, you will fail! That is just the way it is. The good part is; there is one more ground that the seed fell on…

Some seed fell on the good ground where it produced 30, 60, 100 times more than what was sown. You see, you sowed one seed in one person, but it produced 30, 60, 100, 1000 or more people in your organization! I don’t know what the percentages are, but you can rest assure that there is good ground out there and they will more than compensate for all the others who produced very little or nothing from your sowing efforts.

The moral of the story is not to be among the losers who give up because they have let others dictate what their life should be like. Not even Jesus let Peter deter Him from going to the cross to die for our sins when he attempted to keep the Lord from fulfilling His mission. Don’t bury your talents and let your dreams be dashed by anyone. You can do it, you can make it. All you need is a dream big enough to sustain you through the tough times which will and must come.

Success is not for the weak at heart. Success is granted at a cost. Many think it is easy to be successful, but there is a price to pay. However, once you pay the price, stick to your guns and charge like a Rhino toward your dreams; before you know it, you will be there! May this MLM success secret—Sowing Seeds for Success, be a blessing to you as you labor to make your dreams a reality.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Indentifying the Major Personality Types

Identifying personality types is critical to understanding others and being understood by them. I know many of you are familiar with the four main personality types. You have probably heard them labeled with weird names that you can barely pronounce. But I have learned them as four colors. The four colors of personality are: Yellow, Blue, Green, and Red.

Yellows make up 35% of the population and are open in indirect in nature. Their motto is, "Let's be friends." They are usually teachers, nurses, counselors, daycare workers and the like. They are casual and comfortable dressers and Yellows have a soft and gentle voice.

The strengths of a Yellow are in the fact that they are dependable, team players, patient, supportive and nurturing. Their weaknesses include over-sensitivity, followers, and they are not goal oriented. Yellows take things way too personal!

Keywords for the Yellow are: Teamwork, together, relationships and family. The dislikes of the Yellow are pushy people, bullies and conflict.

The next personality color is Blue (like me!). Blue's make up 15% of the population and are open and direct. The motto of the Blue is, "Let's have fun!" The common occupations of a Blue are sales, entertainment, and public speaking. The Blue's voice is loud and fast...really fast! They are easily excited! Blue's dress is stylish, colorful and flamboyant.

The strengths of the Blue are in the fact that they are promoters, convincing, enthusiastic, creative, and high in energy. Blue’s run like freight trains and try to do 50 things at once.

The weakness of the Blue is that they talk too much. They will talk over you and out-talk you. Silence with a Blue is not golden. Blue’s are poor savers and follow-uppers. Blue's are unorganized (you should see my desk) and exaggerate (I try not to, really!).

The keywords of a Blue are fun, awesome, and excitement. The Blue's dislike not having fun, facts and figures, too much detail, being alone and did I mention, not having fun!

Next in line are the Green's. Green's make up 35% of the population and are indirect like the Yellow's but self-contained. The motto of the Green's is "Let me have the facts and figures...all of them!" They people can drive the Blue's crazy!

Green's are usually accountants, engineers, researchers and have a soft and polite voice. Green's dress conservative and formal.

The strengths of the Green's are that they are organized, planners, accurate, and persistent with great follow-through. Their weaknesses are in being over-analytical, hard to please, depressed (I wonder why), and lonely.

The keywords that a Green would use are: Why, graphs, charts, research, exactly.
Dislikes of the Green are pushy people, no facts, and being late.

Last but not least are the Red's. Why did I put them irritate them! Red’s make up 15% of the population and their motto is, "Get out of my way!" Red's usually occupy the positions of CEO, attorney, airline pilot, name buildings after themselves and like to be called "The Donald!" Red’s are direct and self-contained.

The speech of the Red is forceful with volume...can you hear me! The strengths of the Red's are in the fact that they are focused, goal oriented and intense.

Yes, the Red's have weaknesses, but they will never admit it. The weaknesses of the Red’s are: Ego, short tempered, domineering, impatient, and un-coachable. You just can't teach them anything!

Keywords to look for in a Red are: Money, money, and more money, power, control and they are too the point. Red's hate indecision, chit-chat and the feeling of losing control.

Why mention personality types? I mention them because if you know how to relate to each person that you talk to, you will be more successful. You will know what they like and dislike, thus helping them to like you more!

My advice to you is to learn the art of identifying personality types. If you want to find out more, please contact me and I will forward more awesome information to you.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How to Be Lucky

Luck is something that millions of people wish for every day. That is why millions are spend for lottery tickets every year in the pursuit of luck. Luck is why there is a Las Vegas—the city of “luck.” What most people do not realize is that there is no such thing as luck!

We were blessed by God with gifts and talents to have and do anything in life that we want. He has given us the power to create our lives to be any way that we desire. Where is this power? This power is in our mind. Everything natural thing that we see in this universe comes from the thought or mind of God. Every invention that we see in our environment came from the thought or mind of man. Humans are god-like creatures that have the capability of creating their own “luck.”

What is the main difference between the poor and the rich? The main difference is in the way they think. The poor think in terms of lack. The wealthy think in terms of abundance. The poor have a “can’t do” attitude and the wealthy have a “can do” attitude. “Luck” is not something that just comes to you; it is something that you create. As it has been said by many, “We make our own luck.”

So how do you get “lucky?” You get “lucky” by changing the way you think. So-called luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity. Opportunity is literally everywhere! You just need to be prepared when an opportunity shows up in your life. People with an abundance mindset rarely, if ever, experience lack. People with a health mindset rarely get sick. It’s the improper use of our mind that causes most of the problems that appear in our environment.

So, how to get lucky? Get your mind off the things that you do not want and set it on the things that you do want. If you want health, do not entertain thoughts of sickness. If you want wealth, do not entertain thoughts of lack. Focus on what you want. Think about what you want. Dwell on what you want. Talk about what you want. Pray for what you want and what you want will gradually appear in your life. You don’t have what you want because your primary focus is on what you do not want. You say that you want to be wealthy, but when you see a bill you cannot pay, you focus on that and cancel out the movement of wealth toward you. You say you want to be healthy, but you focus on the pain that your are experiencing and cancel out the movement of health toward you. The Bible calls this being “double minded.” A double minded man can never be “lucky.” You have to know what you want and give it your full attention. Jesus asked the blind man, “What do you want?” and the blind mind answered, “That I might receive my sight.” The Lord said, “Let it be according to your faith.” The blind man did not argue that he was blind. He simply believed and was made well. Jesus told him that it was HIS (the blind man’s) faith that made him see. That is what we all must do to experience so-called lucky happening in our lives.

Don’t get caught in the trap thinking that you ship will come in. Your ship is already here and laden with all the things you want. You just have to accept them by faith. Believe that what you want is here and it will appear to you.

The biggest problem that most have is an unclear, scattered mind that is full of unbelief and chatter that comes from TV, newspapers, gossip, images of lack, and other trash that comes from various sources in our environments. If you want to experience massive “luck” stay away from sources of discouragement, talks of sickness and poverty, and the like. Stay away for new broadcasts that declare impending economic gloom and new viruses that are on the rise. Instead read good, wholesome books that feed the mind with positive thoughts and your can-do attitude. What I am referring to is a mental cleanse. Our mind needs washed from all the garbage conveyed to us by the naysayer’s of society that feed your fear and feed off of your fear.

How to get lucky? Make your own luck. Get your mind cleansed and set on the things you want and run from the things that you do not want! Don’t spend one moment entertaining things that will corrupt your mind and keep you from your dreams.

Monday, October 8, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Be Flexible

Being flexible is one of the hardest things a human being can do. It seems like the age of flexibility lasts until just prior to our teenage years and then we begin to harden. By the time we reach 30 years of age we are pretty much set. The box for our life has been formed and we live within the confines of that rigid limited box! Everything and everyone in life is judged by our perception of the world…our box. Our politics, our religion, our prejudices’ are all set…and that’s too bad! The good news is you can change all that be learning love and embrace change.

If you are blessed, something will come into your environment to crush your box. This happened to be when I was in my mid-thirties. Something devastating happened in my life that shocked me and caused me to start re-thinking my life. My box was crushed and I was lost as to what to do. As a result of this experience I began to be flexible again. I began to look at things differently and be more open to possibilities. As a result my life began to turn around in a most profound way. I began to see that life does not have to have limitations. Life doesn’t have to have boundaries and fences. Life is an adventure and what a privilege that we have been given by God to live it to its fullest! But we can never live life to its fullest as long as we live in “our box.”

The temptation, for me, was to build another box and lose the flexibility of an opened mind. I gave into that temptation without even knowing it. But for some wonderful reason, God did not want that for me; so more things came to deal with the new box that I created and bam...another box crushed! Thank the Living God for that!

Through all of these “box crushing’s” I began to see that life isn’t a box. Life is full of unlimited possibilities that await anyone who is flexible and has an open mind. The only limitations in life are those that we create in our own mind. To be truly successful in network marketing or anything else in life, for that matter, it is imperative that we are flexible…in other words; we must be willing to change. What a blessing to be open to change; to embrace change and see it as God’s way of directing your path to greater riches. I am not just talking about financial riches, but all the riches of life.

Take prospecting, for example. If you are not flexible, you will pigeon-hole the people that you talk to and you might just pass up your next front-line diamond! Your “boxed” opinion of people may keep you from discovering great possibilities! Be open; take people at their word and give them a chance. Exercise much flexibility when it comes to people and you will be most blessed. I like what Jesus said in the Gospels, “Unless you are like a little child, you cannot enter the kingdom of God.” Little children are most flexible and trusting. Children live in possibilities. They let their imagination run wild and see everything with a can-do attitude. Oh how precious to be like a little child!

All the success stories of prior years came from people who were flexible. Thomas Edison, one of my favorites, was extremely flexible. He was willing to change very easily. He tried over 10,000 times to develop the incandescent light bulb and experienced failure after failure. A person without flexibility would have realized after, maybe, 100 attempts that it couldn’t be done. I believe the true number is MUCH less than that! If Mr. Edison would have not been flexible, we would still by living by candlelight today! Napoleon Hill, one of the greatest millionaire creators in human history spend 20 years of his life working, without pay, for Andrew Carnegie, on the development of the Science of Getting Rich and was scorned by many for spending all that time in chasing that fantasy without being paid for it. If Mr. Hill would have not been flexible, he would have given up in just a few short years and we would not have the wonderful classic, “Think and Grow Rich!” This can be said for EVERY great achiever in human history.

In network marketing, you must be willing to change. Be flexible. Be like a little child—willing to experiment and try new things. Be willing to “go out on the limb” to achieve your dreams. Don’t stay in your box! Destroy the box that you created and you will discover the unlimited potential all around you. If I hadn’t destroyed my box, I would not be where I am today!

The MLM success secret of flexibility is vital to your ongoing success in network marketing. Don’t let people put you in a box and don’t allow yourself to build one!

MLM Success Secret - It is Always Harder at First

I just received an email from a team member that was inspiring. It said that network marketing is like an aircraft taking off; it expends more energy during take off and its climb to reach cruising altitude than at any other time of the flight. This is true in MLM as well. To get YOUR business off the ground will take a lot of your time and energy in the beginning. But once you reach cruising altitude in your business, it gets much easier. From my experience this takes about two years or less.

The question is; do you have what it takes to get to where you want to go? Most people just putz around hoping that they will get "lucky!" Forget about luck! The successful make their own "luck" by taking consistent action every single day. If you want to have success, get off the ground first! If you don't know how, contact me! I will help you build your business and provide the inspiration that you need to make your dreams come true. I don't care what business you are in, I will give you a helping hand anytime.

When you start out in network marketing you are like a jet loaded with tons of cargo. That "cargo" wants to bog you down and keep you from taking off. The amount of "baggage" that you have will determine the amount of fuel and thrust that will be needed to take off! If you are like most folks, you have plenty of "baggage." This “baggage” shows up as doubt, fear, and procrastination. Where does the fuel and thrust come from? It comes from a burning desire. It comes for your "why." If your reason for being in network marketing is not strong enough to overcome procrastination, doubt and fear, you will crash and burn somewhere between take off and the cruising altitude. Most don’t even make it off the runway! You will also need a like-minded team to keep you fueled up and motivated to reach your goals. There is simply no other way. Your MLM plane never lands, you need in-flight fueling that comes from a team that helps feed your PMA (positive mental attitude) and cheers you on toward your goal(s).

That's why I HATE the hype out there. The hypster's play into your desire to have something for nothing; they play into your fear of selling, meetings, time consumption, and need of contacting people. It’s in our nature to want to have things without effort. However just forget that junk! You have to work! You have to expend time and make contact with other people! You have to be involved with a team that will urge you on when things get tough! You have to have awesome consumable products that people will continue to want! Do not get involved with anyone or anything that promises the way of ease because you will end up being very disappointed!

If you want to make it BIG, you CAN! It is up to YOU! However, if you don't know where to begin, let me know. Like I said, I am here to help and will plug you into resources that will help you grow YOUR business. And no, you don’t have to join mine!

The MLM success secret of knowing that it is always harder in the beginning will help you understand that struggling is normal, but it will get easier and more rewarding as you work at getting your business off the ground. Just fuel up, get on the runway and give it all the thrust that you have. Get your MLM off the ground and keep applying the power until you reach your cruising altitude. When you do, you will look back and say, “WOW, is sure was worth it!”

Monday, October 1, 2007

MLM Success Secret - How to Get Lucky

Everyone wants to get lucky. They drive in neighborhoods with beautiful homes and a Lexus, Cadillac, or Corvette in every driveway and say, “I wish that I was that lucky.” They hear of someone who invented someone and made millions and say, “Man is that guy lucky.” Well, I have some news for you, there is no such thing as luck (at least as you think of it), especially when it comes to network marketing. Don’t look at your upline and wish you were as lucky as they are. They did something to get there and now it’s time that you found out what it is! The best definition of luck that I have ever heard of is this: Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity.

The reason why more people are not “lucky” is because they are simply not prepared. Do you know that opportunity is everywhere? There is opportunity in your network marketing business. The problem is; most people are not prepared to recognize it. As a matter of fact, opportunity is so plenteous and knocking so hard on our heads that its knuckles are bleeding!

What needs to happen is preparation. The unprepared mind will not recognize opportunity. Opportunity is everywhere; I mean everywhere! You just need to open you minds eye to see them.

The first thing that you will need to do in preparation for opportunity is to write down your goal(s). You need to know what you want so you can recognize an opportunity when it appears; the very opportunities that will help you to reach your goal(s). Next, you will need a burning desire fueled by faith; a belief that you can achieve what your mind has conceived. Then you need to take action. Nothing will happen until you move toward what you want. When you begin to take action to reach your goals based upon your faith all kinds of serendipitous happenings will occur. Then you will begin to experience what others call “luck.”

The wealthy are not lucky, they are just prepared to recognize opportunity when it passes their way. They have written goals, a strong belief, and take action every single day, no matter how they feel. Speaking of feelings, don’t let them control you! Feelings can change very quickly. That is why a written goal with a burning desire backed by strong and unstoppable faith driven by action will overcome present feelings of despair! Do you know what I do when I feel like giving up? I focus and my goals and take action. Every single day I do something to bring me closer to my dreams. Just one small action can make massive differences!

Most people would not recognize and would not know what hit them if opportunity slapped them silly! I see this a lot in network marketing; I see too many people struggling with their businesses. I come along and offer free mentoring with genuine a commitment to help them succeed in building their business and they pass it by! This is nuts! The masses just don’t get it! They have their concept of what I am trying to do and don’t take me up on my offer because they think I am after something. No one will ask me why I do it. I will tell you why; I do it because I believe that I will be more blessed by giving than receiving and that I will reap what I sow. Do you see what I mean by missing opportunity?

I once struggled with my MLM business. Actually I had three businesses going, and all were flops. I was struggling, big time! Then through a string of circumstances I met a person online that reached out to help me. I didn’t question her motive because I sensed genuine care and I wasn’t too proud to take her up on her offer to help. Before I knew it, I began to get “lucky!”

My friend, if you are not prepared…get prepared! Don’t keep going from hype offer to hype offer. Get help if you need it. If someone offers a helping hand, take it! Before you know it, you will be “lucky” too. This is an MLM success secret worth learning! This is an MLM success secret that you can take to the bank…literally!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

MLM Success Secret-Faith the Overcomes Doubt

We live by faith, or we do not live at all. Everything we do is an act of faith. When you get in your car to take a trip, you have faith that you will reach the destination. When you eat healthy food and exercise, you have faith that you will live at a ripe old age. Even many terminally ill people have faith that they will overcome their disease. When you invest in your 401K you have faith that it will grow into a large nest egg for your retirement. You get married by faith, raise your children by faith, pursue your education by faith and the list goes on. So you see, without some form of faith, you wouldn’t even get out of bed in the morning!

Someone said, we either venture or vegetate because we cannot know the end of anything at its beginning. Jesus said, by faith we can move mountains. I say that without faith you cannot even move an ant hill. I have learned, and am learning, that faith is not a steady thing. It ebbs and flows like an ocean current. We exchange a life of doubt diversified by faith for a life of faith diversified by doubt.

Yesterday you may have been filled with hope about your network marketing business after a positive conversation with a new prospect. Today that very prospect may have disappointed you by not calling you back as he or she said they would—thus doubt set in and discouragement ensued. In network marketing, or in anything for that matter, we need faith strong enough to overcome our doubts.

What would have happened if Thomas Edison let doubt overcome his faith? What would have happen if Mr. Edison, in doubt, gave up after 9,999 failed attempts to produce an incandescent lamp? How many of us have that kind of faith? What would have happened if the Wright Brother’s, Henry Ford, Napoleon Hill or myriads of others would have let doubt overcome their faith? The world that we live in would be a different place, wouldn’t it?

Who doesn’t get discouraged? Who doesn’t have doubts? My friend, it is the person who does not let their doubts overcome their faith, but rather overcomes their doubts by their faith that will experience outstanding success. Though faith and doubt exist; faith must overcome all doubt to have the success that you are seeking in network marketing or any other endeavor.

Do you have faith enough to carry you through your doubts? I believe that you do. When doubts arise, as they will, don’t let them get you down. Go beyond doubt, in faith that what you are seeking, you will find. When doubts arise, go ahead, take one more step in faith and just see what will happen. Look at what happened to the great ones I mentioned above. They were not unlike you, except maybe in one point; their faith was greater than their doubt and it was that faith that carried them through to victory. You can be just like them and you must to have the success you desire.

The MLM success secret of having more faith than you do doubt is critical to your network marketing success and success in all facets of life for that matter. Faith requires action. It is when you stop taking action that doubt will win. So get up and go and don’t stop taking steps of faith until doubts diminish and your dreams become a reality.

MLM Success Secret - The Power to Create

I have great new for my fellow MLMer’s! We are not only human beings, but human becomings!

Humans were made in the image and likeness of God and God is the CREATOR. Because of this awesome fact humans have the ability to create too. We can create our future and fashion it into anything that we can imagine. That is why I say that human beings are human becomings. This fact should give us massive hope for ourselves and for those we mentor in our MLM businesses. Napoleon Hill said, “What the mind can conceive and believe; it can achieve.” This is the creative power given to every human being by God.

Because we are human becomings, we can change the way we are right now. Years ago, I had a belief that I could never make over $35,000 annually. Because of my lack of a college education I thought that I was doomed to failure. Then one day I received an offer for a tape series from Nightingale Conant. I ordered the tape series and listened to them again and again. From the first time I heard Earl Nightingale speak I knew that things could change for me and that I had the power to create a new future for myself; a future that I wanted and could fashion out of what my mind conceived and believed.

From that time on, a series of events transpired in my life that led me to the realization of a six figure income. This poor high school graduate was making more than any of his college friends! How did that happen? I used my CREATIVE abilities to shape a future that I held in my imagination; an imagination that was made alive by a $40 investment!

Are you failing in your MLM? How do you see yourself? Do you realize that you can create a future much different than your present and that most of the necessary change is in YOUR control! God gave you the power to live an awesome life and have abundant success. His desire is that we take what He gave us and use it!

One of the greatest MLM success secrets is that you have the power to BECOME and that those we sponsor have this same power. All you need is some encouragement and knowledge as to how to do this. You need to plug into a group of success minded people that have this realization and will help you experience the creative powers given to you by God. You don’t have to fail. You can have all the success and happiness that you want. Invest in yourself. Invest in good CD programs. Find a mentoring group that has success in MLM. So learn this awesome MLM success secret—the power to become!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Learn from Albert Einstein

In several of my articles I have been preaching that network marketing is not mainly about products and services, but it is primarily about people. Well, I recently heard a quote spoken by Albert Einstein and he said, "Man is here for the sake of man only." Now, I think that we can all agree that Mr. Einstein was a pretty smart guy, can't we? I believe that the network marketer who grasps this thought will ultimately be rich.

I believe that anyone who reaches out to help another human being will be greatly rewarded in like kind by the Creator. I have been serving people for years and it is the greatest joy I know. I am delighted to offer help for the benefit of others, expecting nothing in return from the one I am helping, but knowing that I WILL reap what I sow.

If you want to be an ultimate success, reach out and help someone. Pay a compliment to someone. Say, "Thank you!" to someone. Give to others out of what you have and God will reward you with what He has. And believe me, He has a lot! I am not writing in uncertainty. Rather I am telling you of the most certain truth I know and that is, your rewards will follow your service to fellow human beings.

Serving the people will not give you fast success in the beginning. However, if you are not weary in well doing, you WILL reap if you do not faint. Notice the word "if" in the previous sentence. Once you start reaping, it seems to come in abundance. Once you build momentum in helping others get what they want, sooner or later, you WILL have everything you want.

If you need money, don't focus on the money; focus on how you can serve people and money will just show up. If you need help in a certain area, help someone else based upon the talents that you have and the help that you need will arrive. This is not wishful is a law.

If you are not "making it" in your network marketing business maybe you should learn the MLM success secret taught by Albert Einstein…”Man is here for the sake of man only.” Now I know that Mr. Einstein was not a network marketer, but at least he got the point of network marketing! The big question is, do you!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Self Discipline

Self-discipline is a must to be successful in network marketing. Lack to self-discipline is one of the main reasons that many network marketers fail in their business pursuits.

Discipline is just delayed gratification for something better. In network marketing it is better to postpone short term gratification for the long term benefit. It is much easier to watch TV than to work on writing an article or creating ads to post online or in local papers. It is much easier to play video games than to surf traffic exchanges to build up points for your own advertising. It is much easier to go to bed early than to stay up late on team calls. But guess what; if you don’t pay the price now, you will be right where you are 10 years from now…nowhere!

I have a dream and I am willing to pay the price through self-discipline to make it my reality. It is Saturday night and most of the City of Columbus is watching TV or partaking of some other form of entertainment. And to top it off, I have been sitting at my P.C. all day writing, promoting, responding to emails, and on team calls. This is self-discipline and though you might not have to go to this extreme, you will have to sacrifice some of your time now to have much more free time in the future.

Everyone I know wants financial freedom and the time to do what they love to do. However, few are willing to discipline themselves enough to do what it takes today to get to where they want to be 1, 2, or 5 years from now. The uninitiated surf the net, looking for a get-rich-quick “opportunity” that will make them rich overnight. They fall for all the hype and empty promises. They are drawn in by the pictures of fancy homes and cars thinking that that could be theirs by doing what some of these “guru’s” do. They fall for the claims that money will just flow into your bank account by using some “automated system.” The guru’s tell people that they don’t have to talk to anyone or sell anything. This is pure foolishness! It takes self-discipline to be successful! It takes work! It takes connecting with people! It takes being willing to spend time with a Mentor. It takes being on team calls! There are NO short cuts to success, period!

If you don’t have self-discipline, forget network marketing. Forget home-based businesses, forget your dreams. You better keep your job and let others determine your life, income, time, position and future. To the undisciplined, self employment and freedom are not for you! This is hard to swallow, but it is true! Network marketing is for the self-disciplined. It is for those who are willing to pay the price in time and effort now for financial freedom and lots of free time in the future.

This MLM success secret is priceless. Are you willing to succeed? Are you willing to give up some TV and entertainment time for your future? If not, take a good look around you, because the scenery isn’t going to change for you anytime soon!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tap Into the $10 Billion Energy Drink Industry

This is off my usual topics, but here is a real MLM Success Secret that can give you the vehicle to make all your dreams come true.

Do you want to be part of a $10 Billion Industry? Introducing a new Energy Drink that offers 3-6 hours of sustained energy. It is called CRAVE Energy Drink by Vitamark. It comes in a pouch easy to transport anywhere, even on an aircraft. All you have to do is pour, shake and drink. Wow, this stuff really works and it is better for you then those canned drinks on the market today! CRAVE has 1/2 the caffeine as a cup of coffee and only 1/2 gram of sugar per serving. CRAVE has 100% RDA of Vitamin C, B6, B12, Niacin and more! There are NO side effects with CRAVE. No jitters, headaches, or crashes! Do you need energy? You need CRAVE. Do you want to be part of a dynamic company with a team that WILL help you succeed? Than you need to contact me right away.

CRAVE is not on the market yet. We are releasing CRAVE the first week of November. Be the FIRST to offer CRAVE to your part of the world.

To find out more about CRAVE, call me at 614-901-3840 or email me at

Find the press release here:

MLM Success Secret - Mentoring, The Shortest Path to Success

Mentoring is a huge part of MLM success. Whether you are the giver or the receiver of mentoring, a price cannot be placed on helping or being helped by another human being.

First, I would like to give some advice to the Mentor. Be a good Mentor. No, be a great Mentor! Be willing to go the extra mile to coach those whom you sponsor into your business as well as their downline. Be as available as you can and offer solid guidance with a heart of making those you serve better and more successful than you. In my experience and observation, God blesses those who serve other human beings for their benefit. Mentoring gives the giver a great feeling to be of service to others. It also brings wealth to a Mentor who helps others to gain wealth because you will ALWAYS reap what you sow!

However, it is futile to mentor someone who does not deserve your time and effort. It is not a wise investment of your time to mentor anyone with a “welfare mentality;” one who will not lift a finger themselves to gain success. There are plenty of people out there that “desire” to be successful, the question is; do they deserve it! By deserving it, I mean, are they willing to follow your instructions? Are they willing to take one step for themselves so that you can take two steps for them? Beware of the person with a “welfare mentality.” These folks will suck you dry!

This world is loaded with people who would rather buy a lottery ticket than invest $1 or one hour into themselves or their business. Did you ever wonder why so many people fall for those internet scams? The main reason is that people are seeking an easy way; a do nothing for something way. You can’t mentor this kind of person, so don’t waste your precious time. One test to determine if you are investing or wasting your time is the feeling that you have when you are coaching someone. Are they draining you like a vampire or drawing from you like a well. The vampire will leave you feeling weak and tired. The person who draws from you will give you the sense of joy and accomplishment.

There are plenty of people out there who deserve your help. If they do, take two steps for their every one. Encourage them and work with them until they experience the thrill of success. Help them reach their dreams and you will reach yours all the faster. It is a joy to help someone deserving, so experience the joy and give yourself to the one who will work with you for their success.

Now I would like to address the person who is being mentored. The first thing you must do is to deserve the mentoring that you receive. What I mean by deserve is to be willing to do what you are told. Be willing to pay a price to make your network marketing business work. If your upline can succeed; so can you. However, you must take the same path that they took in order to get the same results that they have. Success is a science. If one person can gain wealth in a certain business, so can you. Be willing to take one step and a good Mentor will take two for you.

Don’t waste a Mentor’s time; use their time by seeking advice, encouragement and wisdom. Then do what they instruct you to do and you will succeed. I would suggest contacting your Mentor regularly until you experience some success. When you do, it is time for you to mentor someone else…and the cycle goes on. By this method huge network marketing organizations are built. Also, and most important, be grateful to your Mentor and show appreciation for all that they do for you. Lift them up whenever you can. They need encouragement too!

I belong to the largest and most successful team in the company I represent. We reached this status through the way of mentoring. My team is so awesome and I am so thankful to be part of such a family. I can’t say enough about them and I hope that you can be so blessed. I know this stuff works because I experience it!

This MLM success secret is very important for ultimate success. It is crucial to mentor people, but mentor only those who deserve your time. It is MORE important to be mentored because it’s better to be shown the way then to have to try to find the path to success by yourself. Your chances of giving up are almost 100% without a good Mentor.

Success and failure greatly depends on mentorship. To the Mentor’s I say, take care of those who entrust themselves to your coaching. To the one being mentored, honor and respect the one who invests his or her time and expertise into your life and business. To all I say that life is a blessing. Don’t waste it by giving up your dreams. If you have a dream, chances are that it was given to you by God. So go for it! Use all your talents and gifts to make your life and the lives of those around you better.

MLM Success Secret - Realized that Failure is Not Your Fault

Let's face it. 97% of those in network marketing are frustrated! Everyone one of those 97% start out excited and full of hope. But then "reality" sets in and so does discouragement and failure. Here are some of the reasons:

  • Where is the real help? Where is my sponsor? Where is the coaching? Who can help me? I don't know what I am doing!
  • Spending too much money for advertising that doesn't work and going broke doing it!
  • MOST compensation plans are not geared for the little guy or gal to start making money right away.
  • Attractive HYPE is luring unsuspecting folks into their "so-called" opportunities by showing big money, big houses, fancy cars and their huge checks that most people will never be able to achieve. How do you known that all this stuff is real? Anyone can cut and paste!
  • Focusing on products, money and not people.

These are just a few of the reasons, and there are many more! Thank God I don't have to deal with this stuff anymore. I am a happy camper because I am part of an awesome team that offers real coaching. We train our team to advertise for free and offer the education to know how to do so. The compensation plan is like no other. Most of the earnings go to the front line and by building a team of 400 people it is possible to make $10,000 a month! And we give you the way to build the team and will help you do it! Who wouldn't be a happy camper!

I am so discusted with all the network marketing hype out there! People are failing and think it is their fault! I am here to tell you that it is not the fault of the network marketer. It is the lack and integrity, teamwork, and mentoring! There is a way to succeed and it is simple. Get on a winning team, plug into a winning system, join a winning company with integrity and a compensation plan that works for the little guy or gal and YOU can finally succeed.

I will help anyone to figure out why they are failing and offer a way to start building a successful future. I think if more network marketers had this kind of attitude, success would abound for everyone and I am all about that!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Teamwork

Network marketing is exactly what its name implies, marketing by means of a network. Marketing is one thing, but a network is entirely something else. However, when these two combine; you have the most awesome force on earth for moving products and making millionaires. Network marketing is also referred to by many as MLM.

One of the secrets to make your network marketing experience a great one, with massive success, is to be part of a winning team. No one person can be successful with the network marketing model without teamwork. However, many “opportunities” being offered online are not with teamwork in mind. Many programs today say something like this:

Not an MLM
No Sales
No Phone Calls
No List Building
No Conferences
No Meetings

The only thing that they are leaving out is “No Success!” It is a shame that offers are being made like this to unsuspecting souls. I say this because 85% of the population won’t succeed without a team and system in place. This way of doing business doesn’t support teamwork nor will it make millionaires with residuals incomes…at least for common men or women. I have joined programs like these and not one of them has demonstrated the kind of teamwork that makes lasting successes out of ordinary people. Most people have never been in network marketing. What a shame it is if one joins one of these anti-teamwork “opportunities” and experiences inevitable failure. They start out with failure and end up giving up because no one took the time to help them! Man, I hate that!

If you want to have outstanding success as a network marketer you have to be part of a team of people that are like-minded in their pursuits. I now belong to such a team and it is a breath of fresh air after burning time and money on programs that left me to fend for myself. In one program, that I was part of, the best advice that I got was to spend more money on advertising! The business that I am now in helps its team members to advertise and build a successful business through means of free advertising. How is this possible? There is a team and system in place that makes it possible.

People are clamoring for help out there. They want to be part of a team that will help them build their business. The main question that people are (or should be) asking is, “Can I do this and can you HELP me?” The sad thing is that the vast majority people looking for a business opportunity are being lied to. They are promised things that simply can’t happen for the common person. They buy into the hype and are left to figure it out for themselves. I hate this, because it has happen to me in the past!

Teamwork is the MLM success secret that can make the difference between a failure and a success. What does a team offer you? It offers:

These are the things that every network marketer needs to win! The team that I belong to is awesome; they are like family and are so willing to drop everything to help fellow team members. I have never seen or experienced anything like this. Because of my experience I believe that anyone can succeed if they put forth the effort and are part of a winning team.

Are you frustrated with your MLM business? Are you about ready to throw in the towel? I urge you not too. There help out there if you only know where to look and whom to ask. If you have been left out in the cold with your network marketing business, don’t give up; that is the worse thing that you can do. There is free help out there, just look and you will find that to be true.

If you go to my URL links, you will find some help on my website and blog. I am always available to help anyone who has a desire to be successful in network marketing, whether you are currently in a business or not. I offer this because I know what it feels like to be abandoned by sponsors. Don’t try to make it on your own; you don’t have too. Find a winning team and you will see and feel what I mean.

Friday, September 14, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Change Your Focus to Succeed

If you want to be a truly successful human being you have to control your life. Too many people on this earth are out of control. That is why so many are on drugs; to help bring order into their lives…so they think. Drugs only cover the symptoms. The real problem, in most cases, is focus. What you focus on usually determines how you live. Most people focus on their problems and guess what; more problems appear. Others focus on debt or sickness, and more debt and sickness appear. The successful focus on wealth, health, or abundance, and that becomes their reality. They are the thankful and know HOW to focus on what they want in life.

Do you want to gain control of your life and shape your own destiny? Do you want to rule over your feelings instead of being controlled by them? The answer is FOCUS. What you focus on controls the feelings that you have and the life that you live. This is especially important for us MLMer’s. It gets pretty discouraging sometimes in this business. You spend hours trying to build your business and it seems to just crawl along. The problem may not be your business; it may be what you are focusing on. The important thing is when you are not seeing the results that you want; try changing what you are focusing on. When you change your focus; your feelings and results will change as well.

How do you change your focus? The key is asking questions. When conversing with others, the person asking the questions is controlling the conversation. They are actually determining the focus by their questions. Now if you want to change your focus, start asking yourself better questions.

You may ask yourself this question, “Why I am failing in my business?” That is a bad question because it forces you to focus on your failure. A better question would be, “What can I do to make my business better?” By rephrasing the question you have changed your focus concerning your business and thus your feelings and life path have changed as well.

Asking yourself good questions is important to keep growing and expanding your home-based business. “What can I do to better promote myself?” “Where is a better place to advertise?” These are good questions because they keep you focused on a positive outcome.

When you are feeling bad, depressed, or discouraged, I would ask you to consider the questions that you have been asking yourself that got you into that state. Once you realize what questions got you there; change them into good questions that will give you the feelings and outcome that you desire.

MLM is a great business. Don’t become a casualty by losing your focus. Stay focused by always asking yourself great questions. The best to all of you!

Monday, September 10, 2007

MLM Success Secret --Self-Branding for Online Success

If you want to be a big success at network marketing; especially on the internet, you must brand yourself. The internet is a huge “black hole” that seems to have no end. It is too easy to get lost in this “black hole” due to the bombardment of opportunities that are being flung at people every single day. It is very important that you properly brand yourself so you will get noticed in this very busy arena called the World Wide Web.

Why brand yourself? We need to do this because the internet is too impersonal. No matter what you may think, people like to buy from people that they know and trust. I am this way and if you are a normal human being; you are this way as well. Since people cannot talk to you online, they need to find ways to get to know you; and the best way is through writing articles. When you write, you are putting YOUR thoughts on paper and these thoughts reveal who you are. They make a statement about the kind of person you are. If you are full of hype, that will come out. If you are genuine and care for the success of others, that will come out as well. I don’t know about you, but I want others to know me. If they can get to know me through my writings; they will begin to trust me and eventually want to do business with me. I can assure you, that if anyone becomes one of my associates; their chances of success will increase dramatically. Why, because THEIR success if paramount to my success, so I will do all that I can to work with them to fulfill their dreams. Like I often say, focus on others and you will become a success magnet yourself.

I have been in sales for over 15 years and I can honestly say that I have never sold a thing. Thought I have not sold anything, people have purchased millions of dollars in products and services from me. How can this be? My clients presented a problem to me and I offered a solution for their problem. They learned, after being with me, that they could trust me and went ahead and made a purchase. Did I sell them? Not really, they sold themselves. This all happened because when I was with my prospects, I never cared about me or what was in it for me. I cared about my prospect, their needs, and because of this, they bought from me.

You cannot appear face to face with your prospects online, but you can write. You can let the world know what kind of person you are by your writings. The more you write, the more popular you will become online. I have written about 25 articles and submitted them to an article submission sites. As a result, I am listed number 1 on Google when my name is searched, number 7 and 8 on Yahoo and number 2 on MSN. Not bad for writing a few articles! Now when people see my opportunity, they can check me out and see what kind of person I am to determine if I can be trusted. They are more apt to call me if they can get a feel for who I am first.

From what I understand, only about 10% of network marketers market online. I believe it is because of the lack of knowledge as to how to let people know about them. But now you know one simple, yet very effective way to become famous online. So get busy and start writing; it’s easy to brand yourself online!

Friday, September 7, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Remember Thomas Edison

Owning your own homed-based business can be discouraging at times. You work hard and do all the right things, but you seem to keep banging your head against a brick wall. If you are feeling like that, I have a word of advice—NEVER give up!

Remember Thomas Edison? Mr. Edison had an idea that became an obsession. He wanted to develop an electric lamp. He had the firm belief that it could be done, but he wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. It didn’t seem to matter to him about not knowing how; he just knew that it could be done and went about experimenting. He tried over 10,000 times…beating his head against “the wall” for a breakthrough. Finally, during a little catnap, which Mr. Edison was often known to do, he had a dream that revealed to him the secret to making his dream come true. I will not get into the details here, but we all know the outcome—he invented the first incandescent light bulb! After over 10,000 seeming failures his dream became a reality. What was Mr. Edison’s secret? Was it is smarts? Was it his luck? I believe the secret was that he NEVER gave up. He KNEW that he would be successful and that it was just a matter of time. Because of his belief and persistence the very thing he strongly desired became his reality!

After that experience, success came much easier for Mr. Edison. It’s almost like he paid his “dues” and after such determination subsequent successes just flowed to him. I have been to his summer home in Ft. Myers, FL. I saw with my own eyes the success that came to a man who never gave up!

Never giving up is a critical MLM success secret. Very few will ever have this kind of determination, but it is essential to the person who desires massive success. Most of the earth’s population does not understand this principle. Success eludes them because, when the going gets tough, they just give up! How many successes have been missed by an hour! Maybe one more hour, day, or month would have taken them from the poor house to a multi-millionaire status! There are many stories of people giving up too soon and others picking up where they left off only to strike it rich! If the quitter would have just hung in there a little longer it could have been theirs! What a difference a day can make! Just think what would had happened if Thomas Edison gave up at “failure” number 999?

There seems to be a law that says you can never have what you are not willing to fight for. I don’t know what the name of this law should be, but I believe it exists. So, to all my fellow network marketers out there I say, take courage! Don’t ever give up on your dreams! When you don’t feel like spending an hour on your business, at least spend 5 minutes. Do something every single day. Pray, visualize, talk about and study your business. And as sure as the sun rises from the east and sets in the west; your dreams will come true if you only believe and never give up!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Join a Winning Team

The nature of network marketing is teamwork. To be successful and any major sport, you need to be part of a winning team. To be successful in MLM you also need to be part of a winning team.

Too many opportunists are promoting systems and methods of going it alone. They claim that you do not need to sell, make phone calls, sponsor anyone, make lists, attend meetings and that their “system” produces money automatically. These opportunists’s make promises that they just cannot keep. Their websites show you new luxury vehicles, homes, cash, and other forms of hype to draw you into there business. Is this stuff for real? I know that some of the “big time opportunist’s” are faking it. They are giving you the illusion that that stuff is theirs and that you can have it too. Very few will attain to those kinds of riches, especially on their own. What these so-called gurus’s don’t understand is that it takes commitment and teamwork.

The only way for the average person to be successful in network marketing is to be on a winning team with awesome coaches. The OSU Buckeyes (I am from Columbus, OH), in my humble opinion, are an awesome team because they have a great coach who understands that in order to win you need teamwork. You need a team that will watch out for each other and work together for the good of the whole. Hero’s are not promoted, the team is. However, when a team member does something outstanding, the whole team celebrates. Network marketing is just like this.

Are you looking for a home-based business opportunity? Before product, I would look for a winning team. Don’t sign up with a hero; sign up to be on a team! Hero’s are self-centered. A team is YOU centered. Do you see the difference? If you are in a business and having a hard time because you are not part of a winning team, I would suggest that you cut your losses and find a business where there are people that care about YOUR success. You see, a true network marketer knows that their success depends on yours. The team will help you succeed because YOUR success is in THEIR best interest.

After several failed attempts, I am finally on a winning team. The businesses I was in were all good, but the “team” was non-existent. Sure, I had a sponsor and upline, but the fact is that they did not care about me. I think I know why: They were after the money! Their eyes were on what they could make and what was in it for them. That’s a shame. I am an awesome person to team up with. I didn’t miss out as much as they did! But, by God’s hand, I met a person who knows how to build a business. She introduced me to “the team” and now we are working together to build our businesses. Wow, what a difference! Now I have no doubt that I will be successful because I am hanging out with a successful team—my team!

A critical MLM Success Secret that you must understand is teamwork. So, what should you do? If you are not on a winning team, find one now! If you are looking for an awesome business opportunity, hook up with someone who is on a winning team. With a winning team, you have no choice, but to win, win, win!

MLM Success Secret - Beware of Vampire Marketing

Vampire marketing seems to be the rage since network marketing hit the internet. Vampire marketers are those who attract you by all the promises of big money, no effort, no sales, no phone calls, no meetings, just join their “opportunity,” kick back and watch the big bucks flow into your bank account automatically—while you sleep. After attracting someone into their program, they take off for new “victims.” In the aftermath their “victims” become discouraged because they don’t know what to do or they are “trained” to be a vampire themselves.

Vampire marketing is not network marketing at. It is making a sale, collecting a check, making another sale, collecting another check, and the cycle never ends. There is no residual income with vampire marketing. Vampire marketing requires constant direct sales to earn an income. If you ever quit, so does your income…bummer!

Another trait of Vampire marketing is the countless dollars you need to spend to advertise. Since sales are so crucial to the vampire marketer they need to advertise constantly through solo ads, ad words, magazine co-ops, and other pay methods. You need a huge advertising budget to be a vampire marketer and the average person just can’t afford it. Therefore, only the very successful vampire marketers make the big bucks. There ads emphasize money; big money. They show huge houses and expensive cars. I just wonder if they really own them! I say this because many are fakes. They believe in faking it ‘til you make it. This is deception!

This MLM success secret is that you must learn is avoid vampire marketers, at all costs, and do not become one yourself. There IS a better way…become a network marketer. Network marketing is different than vampire marketing. Network marketing is based on relationships, teamwork, giving, and receiving. Network marketing focuses on people success, not money. True wealth is the result of serving people. When you truly serve people and EARN their trust, success is automatic. Network marketers have a loyal following and earn high residual income checks. Successful network marketers realize that they cannot build their businesses on their own. They believe in teamwork. They build businesses that they can live off of after retirement. In many cases their children and grandchildren will enjoy the success of a true network marketer long after he or she pass on.

Serving people and helping them reach their dreams will issue in the highest form of success. A person with a mentor’s heart attracts wealth—it’s a law! God rewards those who help their fellow man—that’s a fact!

Therefore to have genuine MLM success, avoid the vampire marketer and only involve yourself with network marketers—people who serve people and gain lasting wealth by doing so.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Choose Your Sponsor Wisely!

Owning your own home based business is a wonderful thing. Most of us got into network marketing to obtain both financial and time freedom. We all started out with a dream to make it big. However, a very large percentage of network marketers give up and feel like it just doesn’t work. I believe that one of the main reasons for this is sponsorship.

When looking at an opportunity, just don’t check out the company; check out your sponsor and their sponsor. Do they have integrity? Do they have a system to help you become the success you are dreaming to be; or do they just talk about all the money you (they) can make? If their focus is the money…run! Money is great, but that cannot be the focus of a good mentor. Their focus should be YOU and HOW they will help you be successful.

The fact is, the company you are looking at or may even be part of could be great, but if the sponsorship is bad, maybe it’s time to pass it by or pull up stakes. If the product is good, you can still use it, but don’t waste your time trying to build a business if you don’t have the proper support. MLM can get very discouraging and you need a support system to be in place when things do get discouraging. You need leaders that have plowed the way and will help you build your business and urge you on when the times get tough.

After years of searching, I finally found a sponsorship that is what they said they were—committed to MY success. I call my sponsor often to get ideas and encouragement. If I didn’t have a strong support system I would have given up, again, in search of greener pastures only to become disappointed, again, and eventually give up completely. All I can say is, “Thank God for my sponsor!”

Most people that are sponsored into MLM are brand new. They need mentoring—period! Most sponsors in MLM just don’t get it; they think it’s about the money. Well, if you want to succeed in this business (MLM) you had better take your eyes off of the money and care for the people you sponsor or you will fail to build a big business that will pay you, your children and even your grandchildren.

In closing I would urge you to talk to the person who is going to be your sponsor. Google their name to see what is said about them on the internet. Don’t join their organization until you feel they are worthy to be your partner in business. If you are sponsoring someone, be a mentor and seek ways to help your associates to be a success. In doing so, you will be greatly rewarded!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Develop Your Faith

A few weeks ago, I gave a message to a church I visited about faith. Faith is an interesting thing. Faith brings the invisible things that we hope for into the visible world. In the congregation there was a young man and I asked him: “If you could have any car that you wanted, what would that be?” He replied without hesitation, “A Hummer!” I then asked, “What color would that Hummer be?” He replied quickly, “Black!” I then told him, “What would you think if I pulled a Title out of my pocket, right now, with your name on it saying that you owned a 2008 Hummer?” He stated that it would indicate that he owned the Hummer. I then told him, “That is faith!” Though he did not “see” the actual Hummer, he could believe that he owned one because of a piece of paper called a Title Deed.

Faith is a Title Deed of the things we hope for. Though we may not see the actual thing we hope for, we KNOW that we have it because of faith. If you held a Title Deed to a home that you never saw, you would believe that you owned that home, though you had never seen it. If you held a winning lottery ticket and the number on it indicated that you won 20 million dollars you would believe it, even though you have not seen the actual 20 million dollars yet. This is what faith is; it is believing that you possess what you cannot see.

If you are in a network marketing business or MLM what you need to bring the success you hope for into reality is faith. You need faith that you will succeed and your dreams will come true. But where does faith come from? It comes from hearing.

What you hear will determine your faith. If you hear all kinds of negative junk over and over, you will eventually believe what you hear and that will form your belief. If you hear all kinds of positive things over and over; you will believe them and your faith will increase. Therefore take heed as to what you hear!

In network marketing (MLM), to develop your faith, it is essential that you get on your company calls. Get with your team members and talk about possibilities. Listen over and over to the success stories of others in your company. Talk to those who have had success and let their stories fill you with faith! Get with your sponsor on a weekly if not daily basis. Don’t try to build a business on your own. If you are like 97% of the population, your day is filled with negativity. You need to hear the possibilities. You need to dream big. Have pictures of what you want all around you. Develop a goal and desire statement. Read it over and over again…out loud. Speak your desire statement into a recorder and play it over and over so you can hear it and watch your faith grow!

All things are possible to he or she who believes. So don’t hang around negative faithless people who are going nowhere. To develop your faith, stick with your sponsor and your upline. They will keep you encouraged and on track for success. If your sponsor has or is failing to help you, find someone who can. And whatever you do, don’t give up. Keep the faith!

MLM Success Secret - The Law of Gratitude

Before I start I want you to know that I wrote this article with my fellow network marketers in view. Too many times we get discouraged and want to quit as we pursue our quest for financial independence and I want to encourage you to stay the course. However, this article is for anyone wanting to lead a better and more powerful life.

Gratitude is a powerful attitude that one must possess to become successful in any endeavor. Gratitude is like magnetizing yourself to attract all the good things you could ever desire into your life. I do want to emphasize “good things.” There are many out there with harmful intentions, and gratitude will not help such people. If you are competitive and feel that, in order to become successful, you have to take from others, gratitude will not help you and I doubt that you will be capable of being thankful. I have written an earlier article that covers competition and how that kind of mind will only hinder your MLM Success.

A grateful person is a person that can take any situation and give thanks for it; knowing that there is some good to be realized in any situation. A grateful person believes that God is not “out to get them,” but rather that God sees the big picture and has something better waiting for them somewhere in the future.

I would like to relate an experience that I had before I discovered the Law of Gratitude. Many years ago I went through a very traumatic experience in my life. At the time I thought that it was the end of my world. Everything I loved and labored hard for was gone. Gradually (too gradually) I discovered that it was truly a blessing in disguise. If it were not for that traumatic experience I would have never attempted getting into a career in sales, in which I was making a six figure income; and that without a college education! I would not be married to my lovely wife who has been such a blessing to me and I would not have grown as much as I have over the last few years. This “bad experience” actually turned out for my good. Had I discovered the power of gratitude; it would have saved myself years of grief and hurt over what had happen. Once I discovered the Law of Gratitude I looked back and saw the wisdom of God in what he allowed. For this I am truly grateful.

To start the flows of goodness into your life learn to give thanks to God for, at least, the good things in your life. No matter how bad things “appear” there is something good in your life for which to give thanks. As you become more filled with faith through your thankfulness, you will find yourself giving thanks for even the seeming “bad” things in your life. I look at the “bad” things life like cornerstones. One of the functions of a cornerstone is to change directions in a building wall. Many of these bad experiences are really meant to change our direction and keep us from doing or experiencing something that is not in our BEST interest.

God is good. He loves us and wants the best for us. Many things are “wake-up” calls to help us find the best that He has planned for our lives. So be grateful. Give thanks for all things and you will find that there are so many more good things ready to flow into our lives.

I would like to leave you with one last example. I gave a talk recently in a church meeting and told the young people that if you want to win your parent over, be thankful to them. If you want them to pay more attention to you and bestow upon you the things that you want, be thankful to them for what they have given you. Many parents were in the room that day and agreed that gratefulness goes a long way to gain their favor. If you want to gain favor, be thankful to the God, the Creator of the universe. He alone has the power to bless you beyond your wildest dreams.

If you want your network marketing business (MLM) to take off, thank God. If your business is not going anywhere; there is a reason. Maybe you need to take a turn and the blockage is there to awaken you to that fact. Just keep asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking, and soon the door will open and you will find yourself where you now are just dreaming you could be.

Friday, August 31, 2007

MLM Success Secret - To Succeed Think in Terms of Abundance not Competition

The competitive mind belongs to a person with a lack mentality. The competitive mind always thinks that there is not enough to go around and will always try to take from others. They feel that the pie is only so big and that they have to take more slices of the one limited pie by out-maneuvering the “competition” and take from them, or maybe even get them out of the way.

The fact is that there is no lack. The universe was designed with abundance in view. The fact is; the world was created by a Creator that knows no lack at all. Even as you read this article the universe is expanding and growing, this is a scientific certainty. New discoveries are an everyday occurrence and there seems to be no end to the flow of ideas that are happening every minute of every day! The universe is vibrant and growing without our awareness. Yet, most of the human beings on this planet “feel” that there is lack.

The U.S. government promotes the concept of lack by giving its citizens the idea that we need to take from the rich and give to the poor. There is the sense here of redistribution and not that of abundance. This mindset will only lead to more dependence on the government and deeper poverty among the poor.

I am seeing the same “lack” mindset in the world of MLM. An important MLM success secret is to drop the competitive mind and develop thoughts of abundance. The fact is there is plenty for everyone. There are some programs that claim that they have a way to “steel leads” from others to drive them to your website. There is software programs designed to do the same. This is the competitive mind at work. The person with the abundance mindset knows to reach out to people and offer people more in use value than they receive in cash value. When one does this; people will flock to you and you will experience abundance in due time.

The greatest MLM success stories are told about the people who have learned to give. Those with a competitive mind hoard their resources because they think that they will run out. The person with an abundance mindset gives and keeps giving; knowing that there is no lack and that they will receive many times in return more than they give.

Flushing the competitive mind is not easy. Just keep in mind that if you have to take from others to gain for yourself, you have the wrong thinking and/or are receiving some bad advice. Think in terms of abundance. Be thankful for what you have an watch things change in your life and business.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Don't Buy Into the Prelaunch Hype

Are you looking for a hot network marketing business? The fact is hundreds of thousands of people are looking for the perfect home business even as you are reading this.

However, there are lots of programs that are full of hype. One of the biggest hype terms being used is “prelaunch.” The term prelaunch is used to give you a sense of urgency to buy into a business opportunity. In Prelaunch you are usually offered some kind of discounted price if you join NOW.

My advice is not to buy into this method of hype. Most programs like this have a short life. I would suggest that you take a deep breath when considering a prelaunch program and don’t get involved right away. Actually, it is better to hold off a year or two to see if they are still around. Let them work all the bugs out before and if you get involved.

I have been involved in 3 prelaunches because I bought into the hype and “felt” the urgency to join. In every case there were so many bugs that I got discouraged, frustrated, and fed up. This is not good. With one of the prelaunches, the creator of the program was competing against his own affiliates! A few of these prelaunch opportunities MIGHT be for real, but the messy prelaunch phase discourages people from hanging in there for the long haul. It’s just not work the risk. The only people who seem to make money in these situations are those who take there entire organizations with them. Those at the top of the heap make all the money while the little guy is left with emptier pockets.

Do some people make money in these prelaunches? Sure they do, but it is still better to wait it out until the timing is more optimal. It’s just not good to feel urgent about joining anything. If the program is good and the opportunity real; it will be around next year. Again, don’t join a company too soon. Time will tell if the opportunity is indeed an opportunity or just another dud!

My advice is to forget the prelaunch programs and look at a company based upon:

The integrity of the leadership (there are ways to find out thanks to the search engines)
The timing in the industry (have they been around for a period of time, have a proven track record, and are all affiliates making money)
Is the compensation plan friendly for the part-time and beginners or does most of the money go to the top of the heap?
Do they have an awesome product? A WOW product that has proven results and multiple products behind it.
Do they have a simple system that others can plug into and be successful?
Is your “sponsor-to-be” committed to your success? Do you have the assurance that they will be there for you? To find this out, call them, ask questions, Google them to see what is said about them online.

There are plenty of so-called opportunities out there and I urge you not to fall for the prelaunch hype. Study and ask questions before you jump into something. I would strongly suggest calling the person making the offer. It is important that you feel comfortable with the person you are going into business with. If you do so, there is a better chance that you will not be disappointed.

I personally believe that there is no need to be competitive. Competitive people always apply pressure and play games with your mind. I believe that the means and supply of wealth is endless. There is plenty for all. Do not let anyone pressure you. It’s your money; it’s your life. Take your time and follow your intuition and you will find yourself in a much better place.