Saturday, September 22, 2007

MLM Success Secret - Realized that Failure is Not Your Fault

Let's face it. 97% of those in network marketing are frustrated! Everyone one of those 97% start out excited and full of hope. But then "reality" sets in and so does discouragement and failure. Here are some of the reasons:

  • Where is the real help? Where is my sponsor? Where is the coaching? Who can help me? I don't know what I am doing!
  • Spending too much money for advertising that doesn't work and going broke doing it!
  • MOST compensation plans are not geared for the little guy or gal to start making money right away.
  • Attractive HYPE is luring unsuspecting folks into their "so-called" opportunities by showing big money, big houses, fancy cars and their huge checks that most people will never be able to achieve. How do you known that all this stuff is real? Anyone can cut and paste!
  • Focusing on products, money and not people.

These are just a few of the reasons, and there are many more! Thank God I don't have to deal with this stuff anymore. I am a happy camper because I am part of an awesome team that offers real coaching. We train our team to advertise for free and offer the education to know how to do so. The compensation plan is like no other. Most of the earnings go to the front line and by building a team of 400 people it is possible to make $10,000 a month! And we give you the way to build the team and will help you do it! Who wouldn't be a happy camper!

I am so discusted with all the network marketing hype out there! People are failing and think it is their fault! I am here to tell you that it is not the fault of the network marketer. It is the lack and integrity, teamwork, and mentoring! There is a way to succeed and it is simple. Get on a winning team, plug into a winning system, join a winning company with integrity and a compensation plan that works for the little guy or gal and YOU can finally succeed.

I will help anyone to figure out why they are failing and offer a way to start building a successful future. I think if more network marketers had this kind of attitude, success would abound for everyone and I am all about that!

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