Monday, December 10, 2007

Network Marketing Success

If you are looking for a get-rich-quick opportunity, you may find something out there; but chances are you will not succeed in the long run.

There are plenty of programs on the internet that offer $500 or $1,000 per sale. That sounds great on the surface, but for long term success—forget it! These programs require a high start-up cost and lots of money for online advertising. If you don’t know what you are doing, and most don’t, you will be sorely disappointed. These programs give you a one-time income opportunity at a high-cost for advertising. So the promised $500 may only be $200 by the time you spend advertising dollars on Google Adwords, solo ads, classifieds, etc. Also, with some of these programs, you have to pass-up your first sale or two. They call it your tuition for training.

Some may declare that they do get income on there directly sponsored affiliates, but again, that’s one time and very hard to come by because most people just can’t sell high ticket “services.” Besides, most do not have enough advertising dollars to be successful because they have to fork out all their money on the “opportunity.”

One program that I was involved with taught people how to promote products and services online. Later I found out that I could get that information online for FREE! Right now if anyone needs to know how to promote their product or service online, contact me and I will show you.

These are not the only downfalls; programs like this offer no residual income. If there is no residual income you might as well keep your day job because you will never obtain the financial freedom that you seek. You are just a commissioned salesperson in such cases.

If you want true financial freedom, you must promote consumable products that everyone will want and use whether they are “in the business” or not. Granted, on the surface, this looks like the slow way to gain wealth. But that is only on the surface.

Let’s say you make a whopping $500 per sale. How many people do you think can cough up that kind of money? I can tell you from experience, not many! Not only that; everything is dependent on you “making the sale.” If you stop selling, your income stops as well.

Now let’s say you promote affordable consumable product that a lot of people use and can afford. I will use energy drinks as an example. There are about 70 million energy drinks sold in North America every day! How possible do you it would be to get 25 people, who drink energy drinks already, to purchase your affordable energy drink product on a monthly bases? I think that this is VERY possible. Now let’s say you can get these 25 people on an auto-ship program; where they receive their energy drinks every month without the hassle of remembering to order them. Do you know that that will yield $500 per month on a RESIDUAL basis! You don’t have to re-sell those people every single month—they are already sold!

What does residual mean? Residual income is income that keeps coming automatically. An insurance salesperson enjoys residual income from the policies that he sold to you ONCE. I haven’t seen my insurance representative for years and he keeps making money off of the original policies that he sold me! To fully understand the power of residual income, consider a dead man pulling in $45 Million a year off of work he did decades ago! His first name is Elvis.

Which do you prefer? Would you like to become a salesperson that has to keep selling to get your $500 per month? Would you not rather get a few people involved with a product, that they already love, on auto-ship, to receive $500 per month in RESIDUAL income that keeps coming in whether you keep promoting the product or not?

To me, I would rather build a customer base that will provide RESIDUAL income. I don’t want another job of sell, sell, sell, to keep income flowing. The fact is, most people can’t or won’t do that. To produce a residual income stream does take more time, but once you do it; it’s done!

If you are looking for a get-rich-quick opportunity, go to Las Vegas. If you are looking for long term wealth and early retirement, become a real network marketer and work your tail off for 2-5 years. Sure it takes time and hard work, but believe me, it’s worth it! Just a few years of labor for a lifetime of favor!

One more thing; these so-called opportunities that speak ill of MLM, network marketing, selling, phone calling, making lists, nickel and dime incomes, 3-way calls and the like are so full of B.S. They are pure hype; appealing to the laziness in every one of us. Does this offend you? Why do you think only 5% of the population is financially independent? The reason is that success is a labor. You have to WORK at it. You have to go through the gauntlet if you want to achieve greatness. If it were easy, everybody would be rich and free of debt. Read the stories of Edison, Ford, Hill, and other successes. I would also ask you to read my blog entry on the Pursuit of Happiness and you will get the picture.

1 comment:

MLM Software said...

The MLM business is fraught with misconceptions. Success in mlm business depends a lot upon the way you approach the marketing business. Study the popularity of product line, structure of the industry ant the experience of the personnel.