Thursday, August 23, 2007

MLM Success Secret - You Need Focus and Long Term Thinking to Win

There are two things that many network marketers fail to do: Focus and think long term.

Focus is vital to long term success in network marketing. I think that it is a recipe for failure to involve yourself with more than one network marketing business. Think about it; network marketing is about relationships and helping others succeed. How can you successfully do that if you are building two, three, or four businesses at once? I think people who do this are focused on the money which will never bring long term success. Like I said many times before, you must focus on your team and the money will follow. In my book, multiple streams of income doesn't mean having 5 online businesses. It means having one business with lots of well mentored associates who are all working toward their dreams.

A coach cannot coach more than one team at a time and expect to win. He must focus on one team and help that team to play as a team so all can win. It is not fair to your downline to get involved with muli-programs. Once I was sponsored by a gentlemen into a program that was going to make me rich (so he said). After I signed up, he tried to get me into other programs with him. Why? So he could get rich and I could go broke! He, like so many others became a big disappointment. You see, he was not focused and is, what I call, a opportunity jumper. Eventually anyone that he sponsors will lose because he was not faithul to the true meaning of network others succeed.

I have learned my lesson and put all my eggs in one basket, and them watch that basket! I am now focused on one thing and one thing only. This is what Napoleon Hill means when he talked about definiteness of purpose. Focus is crucial to you success. Don't be a Jack-of-all-trades and master-of-none! Don't let down people by your ambition to get rich quick. You will fail in the long run...which brings me to my next point...

You have to be a long term thinker. Don't be a get-rich-now type of person. Don't worry about who you are going to sponsor next and how much money you are going to make. Think long term. I don't think in terms of the money that am making now. I personally think in terms of the money that I am going to make 1, 2, 3, and 5 years from now. In my mind, I am already a millionaire! Think big, but think in terms of the long haul. It is so much fun to do this because you can measure you success as you get closer to your goal. It actually gets down right exciting.

Drop the McDonalds' get-it-now and get-it-fast mentality. Take your time. Do quality work. Serve the one you just sponsored and make sure he or she is on the road to success before you go hunting for more. You will never fail if you take this ways.
Wishing you tremendous success!

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