Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's Called NetWORK Marketing

Don't fall for the lies.  If anyone tells you that you can make money automatically by just throwing up a website on the internet, RUN FOREST RUN!  If anyone tells you to give them money and money will just flow to you; RUN FOREST RUN!  If anyone tells you that you don't have to interact with PEOPLE; RUN FOREST RUN!

Network marketing is composed of two words:  

Net:  A system or procedure for selecting or recruiting SOMEONE.
Work:  Activity involving physical or mental EFFORT in order to achieve a purpose.

Put the two words together and you have the definition of network marketing!  You need a duplicatable SYSTEM and then GO TO WORK; put forth some EFFORT!  Work like you have never worked before and you will achieve things that you have never achieved before.

If you need help in building your network marketing business contact me.  I will help you for FREE with NO AGENDA!  I will NOT try to sell you anything.  If you are reading this blog, there is a good chance you are in a network marketing business.  I will help you build THAT business...YOUR business.  

Remember that it's called netWORK marketing.  So get to work and have some FUN!


MLM Software said...

A true consultant is required true consultant before you decied get into mlm business as it is a fastest growing business but requires high investment. You must try our view on all +91 - 9820937711

mlm Software said...

very true there is very hard work for Network marketing.its not easy but it can be easy if you select the proper consultant and proper software for your always consult the thing properly before going for that.